Tragedy never forgotten: Aunt hopes others can learn from niece’s drowning

June 7th, 2010-

In the newspaper these past few weeks, the attention was brought up about swimming safety and how drownings have become a leading factor here in Collier County for children under five. I want to bring my family’s tragedy to light to emphasize how safety is key.

It will be four years today since the death of my niece Ivy Rose Scholtz. It was a time remembered as still, empty, numb and forever lost. The depth of her death has burned so deep, I wish this upon no one as Ivy was only 3 years old.

Ivy was a very young, determined little girl that brought out the sunshine in the eyes of her Mommy and Daddy, John and Mary Scholtz. The rays beamed endless for them, nothing could break such a beautiful bond. Mom was the highlight of the girly girl world with all the little dresses, hairdos and silly shoes, while Dad kept her close by letting her help out on the lawn or just some tender loving. John, Ivy’s father, always spoke or her as a free-spirited girl. Enjoying those days of freedom.

I write this story because Ivy drowned on June 9th, 2006 after she fell into a friend’s pool where her family was visiting. She was the youngest of her family, having four older brothers. That night still seems like a blur in many ways.

It all happened two weeks after we moved into our house in Golden Gate Estates. My family moved out here to be closer to my sister Mary Scholtz and her family just two miles away. It was perfect. We could do more things together, help each other when needed, and with the kids so close in ages, they could grow up together. Benjamin, my third son, was Ivy’s little partner. They did everything together since they were born. They were inseparable, being only a few months apart.

I remember the phone call. Dan, my husband, picked it up around 10:15 p.m. with Mary screaming. Dan handed the phone to me, unable to understand her. I took the phone with my sister unable to talk, just screaming — screams that will forever haunt me.

I just kept hearing, “It’s Ivy, it’s Ivy, she’s purple.” Then silence. A friend then got on the line and gave me the address to come and pick up Ivy’s two brothers, Spencer and Sammy. I continued to hear Mary in the background calling out, “Intubate her, intubate her.” I knew then, it wasn’t good.

I hung up, dressed right away with my gut feeling instantly ill. I headed out. It was 10:25 p.m. As I drove down 18th Ave N.E. to their friend’s house, a home I have never been to, I saw a helicopter. I knew it was for Ivy and that it was headed for Sable Palm Elementary. I headed there instead out of compulsion as my adrenaline took over and emotions ran wild. All the while, a police car was following behind me, speeding with his lights on. I didn’t care, I wasn’t going to stop. I just sped faster.

By the time I arrived, there were two fire trucks and plenty of police awaiting Ivy. Ivy arrived around 10:45 p.m. by ambulance. Being held back by the police, I could see she was alone yet they would not allow me to go to her. I regret that to this day. I should have just ran, ran until I made it by her side. It was all too much. I could not bear the thought of my little niece near death.

It seemed like forever. I could see them working on her inside the ambulance, it was 10 minutes but felt like hours. The door opened, she was brought out, the gurney moving fast, one paramedic pushing on her chest, while another held a mask over her mouth, pumping air. I could see her little face peeking out as a small gust of wind brushed through her hair. I felt it then; she was gone.
My sister meanwhile was told to go to a nearby store for a police escort, but the police never arrived.
Why they told her that, I will never know. I called Ivy’s Dad to let them know she was on her way. John and Mary then headed to the hospital. I headed to pick up their two boys, saddened and in disbelief.
The helicopter took her to NCH North Naples Hospital where John and Mary finally arrived. They rushed by her side as the staff worked on her, doing everything they could possibly do, but it was too late. She was pronounced dead at 11:21 p.m. Ivy laid in peace as Mary and John gently took turns holding her, caressing her tiny body, wondering how this could be happening.

By then, I had brought the boys to my home and put them to bed. All the while, Sammy kept repeating, “Ivy will be home tomorrow, right, Aunt Nette?” He was only 5. Spencer sat silent. He knew.

I wrote this story to make people aware of the horrific events that take place after a child drowns, or yet, any child that dies. I want to make people aware that we need to watch every step our children take and to protect them at all costs. Safety is number one. Put up that pool fence, lock the doors, set the alarm, assume everything and anything could happen. Accidents such as Ivy’s are real. It can happen to you.

Since then, this tragedy eventually propelled me to create Heaven Cent: A Collection of Pennies from Heaven as a way to bring something positive out of this devastating ordeal and as a dedication to Ivy.

The concept behind this coin collection book is simple; every time you find a penny, it’s “heaven cent,” a reminder of your departed loved one. For me, it was Ivy. Called “an album with a soul,” this coin album makes something simple — finding forgotten pennies — into something quite profound.
My determination to help prevent any more accidental drownings has also led me to partner with a charitable organization. My business, Heavens Pennies LLC, donates 10 percent of all sales to Stew Leonard III Children’s Charities, which promotes water safety to children throughout the United States via swimming lessons, illustrated books, videos and DVDs that emphasize swimming safety.


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