A Business Plan for The Estates?

March 17th, 2012

This morning in today's paper were two very interesting articles. One being about John Lundin having his car stolen and Tim Nance with a brush fire near his home, the other about the Coletta flyers passed around the area. Unfortunate events I hope can be rectified.

On the NDN website, John Lundin, a.k.a "RobinofLocksley" on the comments section of the first article, wrote that the article has since been sent to the F.B.I. I could not help but to jump on that with my reply. I replied. "John, Are you serious? Come on, quit it. Don't make such a spectacle out of an issue that may turn out to be nothing at all. If you are going to run this campaign, give us a business plan, nothing more."

Soon after, since I love writing and enjoy reading what others post, I could not help but ask myself, what do the people of GG Estates want? Do they want a business plan? If so, why not give it to them?
Then later on today, I went back and not only read more comments on this article but comments on the article about the Coletta flyers as well. Fortunately I never got to see this flyer since I am not a registered Republican. I just assume that is why.

So after some thinking of not only my comment but comments by other interesting and intelligent bloggers, I asked myself again and realized, we do need a business plan!

Really, do we have a business plan for our community? Will Coletta,Nance, or Lundin come up with one for our community? In my head I picture a big town hall meeting at the University Extension and everyone who attends can comment on what they want to see in this community as another person writes it down on a big billboard. From this billboard it would be broken down into priorities, whether it's bridges, fire-stations, roads, 1-75, impact fees, commercial areas, or anything we feel is important.

Basically a community organized business plan. With NO press or moderators. I find that less intimidating amongst those who wish to participate.

Now I know we have a master plan, but a master plan is a master plan, and we all know things can change. So, who has an interest in this idea of a community business plan meeting? Should we request one from either of the candidates? Should we put one together ourselves? Should we outline it, break it down, record it, and work on it until the whole community comes to an agreement? We all know we cannot agree on everything but I think we are all mature enough to come to a plan that we can all at least feel comfortable with.

So that's it. I was compelled this evening to write this down and send it out. I would like to see interest in this idea and your thoughts if we want to go about doing this. I can use my blog to keep information up to date if need be. Maybe we can work on getting Commissioner Coletta or a candidate to come forward first , and if not, we ourselves set the date and make it happen!

You can find those articles here;

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!


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