Say It Isn't So!

July 25th, 2012

Though I really wanted be a smarty pants and write a blog about, "Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign", I decided the issue on the Obamacare was much more interesting in this mornings paper.

As I sit here in my old Obama '08 tee-shirt that I proudly prance around my house with, I felt today was a good time to bring out my thoughts on Obamacare, even knowing some of you are already disgusted by the whole matter since this is such a "R" County. (Eyes roll)

After reading this morning's paper on behalf of the budget office and what Obamacare really entails for our country, I had nothing but a big smile on my face as I spouted out, "Say it isn't so!"

Then I continued and read that Obamacare will actually shrink our national deficit over the next decade. I whispered to myself, "Right back at ya, Romney!" "Can't wait to read your response to this."

I don't like Romney, he actually creeps me out. It's not just the Obamacare that he is against, but it seems everything else too. I can't have that for my President and why would you?

Something you will have to understand in my thought process is that Obama is truly making efforts, making things happen, and none of you can accept it because he has the big "D" next to his name. And that alone has divided our country way beyond what any of us have ever expected and it's quite sad.

Yes, it has taken the ship almost 4 years to turn, but it also took the 8 years prior to head it in the wrong direction. And yes, I will write over and over again, it's all Bush's fault!

I go back thinking about Romney and his lack of solid decisions and comments. Wasn't he the one to bring this very same idea on healthcare to his state of Massachusetts? Didn't Obama use Romney's idea as the foundation of Obamacare? Is Romney simply jealous of the fact the his idea has actually now put into law? What gives?

What gives is that Romney really doesn't know what the hell he wants and has become simply confused.
The Supreme Court is the very much the law of the land, we can't go any further than their decisions other than to repeal them. In my opinion, what the Supreme Court upholds, we all must accept with no repeals. Isn't this the reason we have a Supreme Court? Why are we even considering spending more taxpayers money to repeal a law that is actually going to save us money? So stupid.

But no, Romney and the, "others", use this as an election tool to gain votes, trying to convince us that it's all bad and it's going to raise our deficit by "trillions". Well, right back at ya Romney! It's all in black and white now!

Obamacare will keep us more secure, will keep our premiums at check, will save us taxpayers $84 billion, will allow us to keep our kids covered until the age 26, will not deny those with pre-existing conditions, and it will NOT raise our taxes by $500 billion. That tax penalty will come from those who fail to obtain insurance and the upper income and health insurance companies.

Gee, sounds good to me.

And as far as our Florida Republican voters and representatives, it's time to get on the bus people, because Obama will win this election. The time is now to start working for our country and to stop working against it.

Obama 2012!!


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