My Little Inspiration

January 5th, 2014

Happy New Year everyone! I know it's been quite some time since I have written. Call it writers block or simply call it the holidays. I'll call it both.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. Looking forward to this year and plan on making it the greatest one thus far. Hoping to work on many opportunities that come my way, making the best out of each and every one of them.

I do have so much to write about in our community and all the happenings of Collier County, but today, I would rather start off my first post of the year with my little inspiration.

Over the past couple of months, I met a man by the name of David Horsewood. Owner of Fire by Light, LLC., out of Knoxville,Tennessee. I have not physically met him, but have linked with him on the business site called LinkedIn. I find myself going to his profile more than I should, but continually find his words so inspiring. David and I have since gotten in touch with one another as I have thanked him for all of his words of wisdom that keep me going each day. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks I am stalking him. But of course I'm not. He understands I enjoy his words and I love his big heart.

David is a busy man I must say. I swear he must read every article known to man, always commenting on them, always speaking the truth. And that's what David does with his business too. He focuses on training and coaching sessions throughout the United States. Working on communication, conflict resolution, leadership, time management, and public speaking. David does a little bit of everything that can give back a whole lot! A very gratifying job I'm sure.

So last night I popped in for some inspiring words from David and the first post that came up was called, "Smile, you're designed to."

So I go on to read David's comments from that simple post, and David quotes, "Some people bring the smile out of me. I have no intention of smiling; it's the furthest thing from my mind. I could tell them; "You make me smile," and with some I do. Most of the time I don't. Here's a little secret that everybody knows; many of our smiles are internal. Nobody else sees them. Nobody knows. We couldn't describe why we feel so good even if we wanted to. We've tried. The words we know don't suffice. Poetry might do it, perhaps a sunrise...the sounds of nature coming alive. We stay silent because talking would just mess it up. Still, every now and then, certainly more often, tell them. They might like to know."

Quite inspiring to me, maybe too deep for all of you. But either way, I just wanted to write a little about David today and thank him. And David, if you do read this? Really, I'm not stalking you, just can't get enough of your wonderful words of wisdom. ;)

So smile everyone! It's 2014!


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