Hey Market Street! Let's Talk Economic Strategy!

December 6th, 2013

So the word is out, the conversations have begun! Yes, we are finally focusing on the future growth of Naples. A group by the name of Market Street Services recently submitted a draft proposal to the Greater Chamber of Commerce, outlining an economic development strategy for all of Collier County.

This proposal takes into account, competitive assessments, targeting business analysis, marketing review, plan implementation, timelines, experiences, cost estimates, and final steps.

The main goal is to improve places where we work and visit, enhance the lives of those that live and work in our communities, continue positive change, passing the world to future generations.

What's cool about it, is the Market Street group will basically be organizing us! The plan is to take many community leaders, whether it's individuals derived from Greater Naples Chamber, Partnership Collier, civic leaders, business leaders, elected officials, "super" citizens, faith based leaders, and media representatives, all combined to give many ideas as to our future. This group would be a selection of 20-25 individuals that will be called The Steering Committee. And yours truly would love to be a big part of that. (Hint, hint). You want to know why? Because out of this whole proposal, Eastern Collier, including Golden Gate Estates, Immokalee, the RFMUD, the RLSA, and the Everglades City Area, were not even mentioned in the areas concerning this project. Which in my opinion, has the greatest future for growth and development, and we want to be a very big part of this steering committee.

Market Street will continue to consult this steering committee, making sure they all stay on track of the issues set forth. They are hoping to work this into a 8 month process, followed by the creation and implementation of a solid plan for our future economy.

This is a pretty big deal for Collier County. A very exciting and great opportunity for us to make something of ourselves. I personally want what's best for not only our community, but for my family as well.

All of this information I stated above comes from this proposal. It's a 15 page proposal I am trying to fit into this blog. Adding my thoughts of course. But I just wrote it in a nutshell. This proposal has been posted on my Facebook, "My Thoughts Exactly" page. It will be under "DOCS". Hey, "like" my page while your at it! ;)


So with this all said and done, Georgia Hiller has placed this Market Street proposal on the agenda for next weeks BCC meeting. Item 10A on the executive summary reads this;
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve sharing in the cost of engaging a professional consulting firm with the Partnership for Collier’s Future Economy(a subsidiary of Collier’s Chamber of Commerce), to draft a “Community and Economic Development Strategic Plan” for the benefit of Collier County.

The total estimated cost of the project is $222,000. The County’s not to exceed share of the project cost is $111,000 which includes one half of the consulting services contract costs ($71,000) and one half of the Partnership’s allocated internal project management and overhead expenses ($40,000).

The Plan shall outline the necessary steps needed to brand, market, promote and sell the County as an economic development destination for relocating businesses and for entrepreneurial growth, all in the interest of promoting an environment that allows for job creation. In addition, authorize the Board to waive the competitive solicitation requirements pursuant to Section V(A) of the Purchasing Policy.
With that all clearly outlined, there are the ideas and concerns we want to make sure that is implemented into this study. Again, making sure District 5 is recognized. There is so much to offer in this area. A big vision can bring us a wonderful future. We need tons of amenities. We need grocery stores, parks, banks, theaters, shovel ready sites for future developers and businesses. We need to reach out and organize meetings with the big landowners. Or so to speak, those "private entities", better known as the Barron Colliers and Collier Enterprises, to the Rural Fringe District, which includes the Husseys, Lennar, and many landowners. We need to work with them to release and rezone lands for either agricultural use (medical marijuana-think 2014 ballot), sporting events (stadium),many businesses(Publix,etc.), and whatever else we can think of. We can have riding stables, campgrounds, dog kennels, and shopping galore! But overall, we need jobs!

And lastly, because this is getting really long and I just can't stop, is we need to waive impact fees for only District 5 for the next two years so we can get the biggest boost, first!

Will be looking forward to this Market Street group and what they can do to get us all motivated!


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