A Beary Crazy Week!

January 27th, 2014

I don't know what's gotten into the wildlife out here in The Estates, but I must say, it's beary crazy!
Last Monday I headed over to my sissy's house to visit and get the game cameras set up. My sister Mary has had her garbage can repeatedly knocked over on a daily basis. More than likely a bear. So it was time for the ole game cameras to be put to use.

So that night, we hooked up the cameras, did a little bear dance and waited for the next morning as to see what came. Bingo! A mama bear and baby bear were captured on the cameras. Awesome! You can view these photos on my Facebook page. You may have to scroll down just a bit. It's called A Beary great Monday night! You'll see us nutty sisters doing our bear dance too. ;)


I went ahead and posted the bear pics on my Estates Facebook site too, and apparently this mama bear has three cubs in the vicinity of Mary's house. I don't know bears and their territory, but I think all of these circumstances could be the same bear? Who knows.

After posting, comments made were, "Heard one or some in the woods last night. They bend the trees right down and you can hear them breathe", and "We have several hanging around on Oakes Blvd. They come right up and look in the windows", to "She has three cubs with her. They hang at our house on 10th Ave NE all the time."

Now that's beary scary!

Next up, a panther on Tuesday night seen at Mary's house right off the driveway as she pulled in. Probably ready to prowl on to Mary's new kitties. She honked her horn and it ran off. In the mean time, she and her son quickly jumped out, grabbed the kitties and put them in the house. She then thought about the horses. They were spooked, all cornered up in their stalls, eyes wide open. Yikes!
More back to back action on Wednesday morning! Again at Mary's house, two middle schoolers who rode their golf cart to the bus stop, spotted what they described as a fuzzy baby bobcat or panther. More than likely the same one from the night before. They followed it as it pranced along 16th Street NE. Quickly it turned into the trail and kept on prancing, never looking back. Mary asked them how big it was. They said the size of Ruby, Marys huge dog! Some fuzzy baby. Yeah right! They also described the long tail and black tip. Yep, a full grown panther for sure.

Thursday morning arrives and I head out to take my two youngest to the bus stop. Now mind you, I am two miles from Mary's house, but I guess that damn mama bear didn't like her photo taken, so she decided to take it out on me!

As I pulled out of my driveway, still in pajama mode and fluffy pink slippers, I see one hell of a mess!

All of my garbage was strewn on my driveway, across my neighbors yard, and down the street! Ugh!! Boy, what a video that would have been to capture as I cleaned it up in my jammies and fluffy pink slippers. Nice!

Friday comes along and now I guess it's my neighbors turn! LOL! Their garbage everywhere!
Well, I'm not quite done yet, have one more story to tell. Just yesterday, Sunday afternoon, my Mom came to visit my sister. As she was ready to pull into her driveway, at the next door neighbors house stood a a big and beautiful doe. All proud standing tall. Then as my Mom drove just a bit more, sure enough, those bears must have just crossed into the woods in front of her, in brood daylight too. She didn't see how many, other than the last ones big fuzzy butt entering the woods.

Now this is all beary crazy or what! Maybe it's the weather, who knows? Or maybe we have so many of them out here, it's becoming just beary crazy indeed!


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