There's Something About Mary

June 25th, 2012

My sister Mary is truly one of a kind. There is something about her that will be very hard for me to explain. Then again, it may come very easy as I write.

When I was born back in '68, I was brought home to my sister Mary who just turned 3 at the time.

Basically, I was her birthday present since it fell only three days after my birth. My Mom said she was just so excited to have a little sister for her birthday. I was the last of our clan of five. Scott the oldest, then Gregg, then Mary, then Bruce, then me.

As we got older, I remember the one time when we shared a birthday together. Since my birthday fell on Halloween and hers November 3rd, my Mom decided to give us each identical angel cakes. Mary's was white, mine was black. It was obvious that was no angel cake for me, you think I was stupid? But to this day, Mom declares it was an angel. (Yeah right) Goes to show you I really must have been a witch and that beautiful white angel was Mary. But then again, thinking about it just for a moment here, Mary really was no angel either. If anything, she was in a hell of a lot more trouble than I back then.

Being the youngest of five, I was the one that stayed back, watching, listening and learning. Stealth. Kind of like what I do to this day.

Kind of.

So maybe I'm the angel? Maybe those cakes were mixed up? Hmmmm... maybe there really is something about Mary? Then again, I was born on Halloween and that I am sure was my Mom's point.
But that doesn't mean I had to like it.

Back to Mary. Sorry, got a little off the subject there. I guess I must have needed to get that whole cake ordeal off my chest.

Growing up in our teenage years, I will have to admit, Mary was always there for me no matter what. I began to look up to her as if she really were an angel or even a princess. And the color purple just came to my mind thinking about her. Mary was always into the color purple. Whether it was her room made up of purple and lace or atop her Arabian horse prancing in her fancy purple show outfits. Mary was big into horses as was our whole family. She still has two to this day.

In the early 80's still up in Wisconsin, Mary entered many rodeos. I will never forget the time at one specific rodeo when she dominated the ring. She looked absolutely stunning in her fancy purple, jewel encrusted outfit. People loved her and everyone surrounded her in awe. As I the one to be quiet, in the back, observing. Though much jealousy and envy overcame me, she was my sister and that's all that mattered.

Moving forward to our 20's, 30's, and now 40's if you can believe, Mary is right here with me and I am ever so thankful. Mary has made a wonderful life for herself and her family and is very much surrounded by many friends and family she holds true to this day. Even my kids constantly ask to go over to "Aunt Mary's". The fondness for her is truly greater than you can imagine. It's just something about Mary.

Mary has since become that white angel too. And I truly mean that. Though life had given her so many twists and turns, she has held out strong and deserves much recognition for it. She simply brings out happiness to all that surrounds her. She is simply a delight. No wonder she could never get rid of me all these years, she consumes me with happiness every moment I see her. Every time. Everyday. Mary is why I moved out to The Estates. I need to be with her and always will be. We live only two miles apart and that's still too far away.

People always say at events, during vacations, at every party, "Where's Mary?" That holds so true. There is just something about Mary you want to lavish yourself with. She is outgoing, happy, loving, nurturing, quite humorous and is just so consistent in bringing out the life in everyone. She has always made the difference in every aspect of her life and I commend her for it. It's just something about Mary. She is the most interesting individual I have ever known and I am so lucky to be her sister.

I Love You Mary!


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