Preliminary Park Impact Fee Update

July 5th, 2012

A few weeks back, I had posted a blog titled Park Impact Fee Requests. You may want to read that first before moving onto what I write today.

To begin, you can find the documents for Collier County Park Impact Fee Graphs and Data that I used under the "Docs" page on My Thoughts Exactly by Annette Kniola found on Facebook. If you do not want to do all of that, the numbers are below to follow. But if you are to follow me on the documents from Facebook, disregard Option 2 altogether and focus solely on Option 1. Option 2 will just seriously confuse you and you do not need to worry about that right now.

Under Option 1, scroll down to the Park and Rec. Impact Fee page. Take a moment and look at all the numbers posted for each district and compare it to the graph too. Print it out if you want to work on the numbers with me.

Impact Fees Collected (1997-2011)
District 4/Coyle- $5,359,602
District 5/Coletta-$23,191,708 (Wow)
District 1/Fiala-$16,311,879
District 3/Henning-$23,457,172
District 2/Hiller-$13,120,950
Total= $81,459,311

Total Park Construction Cost by District Allocated (1997-2011)
(Allocated means these numbers below show how much each district was given for their parks)
District 4/Coyle- $17,697,923
District 5/Coletta-$18,323,360
District 1/Fiala-$22,119,395
District 3/Henning-$26,879,882
District 2/Hiller-$17,557,044
Total= $102,577,604

Leaving us with the spending $21,118,293 more than what was brought in.
If you are looking at the physical page with me, and with common sense that prevails me, these two rows should be switched. I hope you understand that. It's important.

Moving on. Take a look at District 5. In the Estates, we have brought in over $23 million of impact fees from 1997-2011. And really, we have absolutely nothing to show for it. And that $18 million that was allocated to our district? Where is that? And that $23,191,708 amount we collected, go ahead and subtract that $18,323,360. We should still have a reserve of $4,868,348. But we don't. So where is it?

One thing you must keep in mind while you read this is that park impact fees are broken into two
categories. Regional Park Impact Fees and Community Park Impact Fees. Regional Park Impact Fees CAN be distributed amongst the whole county where Community Park Impact Fees MUST stay within that district. I have requested those numbers, they are very important.

So my BIGGEST question is, how much of our $23 million was Regional Park Impact money and how much was Community Park money? The graph does not break these numbers down. And I want details of where they all went. That's why this blog is going to be in stages. I do not have all the answers as of yet.

Back to the numbers posted above.

Now, from studying these numbers, I found something out of the ordinary. Look close, I mean real close, to these three districts. 1, 4, and 5.

Example. We here in District #5 were allocated around $18 million. Now look at Fiala and Coyles district. Coyle was given over $12 million more in Total Park Construction Cost Allocated and Fiala close to $6 million more. Add those two together and what does that tell you? Hmmm......very interesting indeed. Now this is all in theory, but a good one.

Did our money go to those two districts? And why on Earth would they be allocated so much money while we sit here with tiny Max Hasse Community Park as they continue to load up on parks? This has seriously frustrated me and I want answers. How can this happen? And for us here in District 5? If it shows we have almost a $5 million surplus, where the hell is it?

So over all, here are the percentages that each District received. I divided that extra amount they got (or the negative what we got) into the amount allocated and here are those results.

District 4/Coyle- Extra amount $12,338,321 or 70% MORE than what his District brought in.
District 5/Coletta- Less amount (-4,868,348) or (-)27% LESS than what his District brought in.
District 1/Fiala- Extra amount $5,807,516 or 26% MORE than what her District brought in.
District 3/Henning- Extra amount $3,404,710 or 13% MORE than what his District brought in.
District 2/Hiller- Extra amount $4,436,094 or 25% MORE than what her District brought in.

And you wonder why I'm complaining.

Furthermore, these questions below are now in the hands of Leo Ochs and Parks and Rec. for years 1997 to the present.
1.Regional parks impact fees collected by impact fee district for unincorporated Collier county. (Like us)
2.Regional parks impact fees collected by impact fee district for incorporated
Collier county. (Example, Golden Gate, City of Naples, Marco, etc.)
3.Community parks impact fees collected by impact fee district for unincorporated Collier county.
4. Community parks impact fees collected by impact fee district for incorporated Collier county.
5. Regional parks expenditures by project paid for by impact fees identified by impact fee district source for unincorporated Collier county and for incorporated Collier county.
6. Community Parks expenditures by project paid for by impact fees as identified by impact fee district source for unincorporated Collier county and for incorporated Collier county.

That's all folks! Stay tuned!


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