In Restless Dreams I Walk Alone

July 11th, 2012

It's early, too early to be writing this, but I woke up from a dream this morning around 4:45 and couldn't go back to sleep. Seems to be the norm lately. Thank God for naps.

The dream this morning, or nightmare, can't figure it out yet, was mostly focused on people in general. Why can't they get it together? Why does life have to be such a drag? This dream has unfortunately spilled over into my life. But that was no dream I bet, it was my sub-conscience working out details with my conscience as I slept. Happens all the time.

I'm restless and if you have been around me lately, you would be able to tell. Maybe it's the kids home from school 24/7, always bored, or just society itself. Both of those could drain anyone I suppose. But it's not just the society as a whole, but people I cross paths with every now and then too. That's why I had that dream this morning, maybe God was trying to tell me something.

I have recently been asked for money. This isn't the first time nor will it be the last. I have helped family at times and one time a best friend in my younger years, but now, an acquaintance has asked.
People seem to think we have money. But really, we don't. We work hard at where we're at, have a nice house, nice things, and people see that. We stay afloat, but also know what our priorities are and what we can and cannot afford. And I do feel for these families struggling due to many circumstances that may come their way. It's just sad really.

From that dream, I have decided not to give this person any money and I have no problem saying no. For one, I know I would never see it again and the asking would continue on and on. I sense that already. But you want to know why I don't want to give this person money, even if I had it to give? And trust me, the thought crossed my mind due to this persons circumstance. But how does one expect me to hand over money when a cigarette is hanging from one's mouth along with alcohol on their breath in the afternoon? Let alone observe the steak being marinated in the kitchen too? Then I think about my own dinner. Yeah, the family of 6 I feed every night and that night we get tacos. Steak is a delicacy in my house.

And you wonder why I'm restless.

So that's it, your morning read of life as we know and the lovely frustrations of mine. Now off to read my morning paper. Can't wait to see what life holds today.

Have a good day.


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