
October 15th, 2013

Writing this today reminds me of the day I wrote Keep the Faith back in June of this year. Not much on my life has changed since that blog. Deep thoughts and changes continue to work my heart heavily from many circumstances that have come and gone. Some good, some bad, and most that will last forever in my mind. If you go back to my last blog of 2012, it's almost like I predicted my future. That blog was called, 2013-My Year of New Resolutions.

The first paragraph read;
"Looking back at the year of 2012, I will admit, it hasn't been my best year so far. Lot's of ups and downs in my life, consumed by not only me, but others too. Yet I find myself pushing along with my head held up high, always keeping strong, holding on for any possible light at the end of each tunnel. I have a strong spirit, it's just who I am and always will be. I must keep the faith."

Just from reading that today, I see I wrote keep the faith in that last sentence, unknowingly I would write a blog called Keep the Faith, six months later. The irony in life can really make things so surreal.
I know the majority that do read my blogs and know me in the real world, see a bubbly Annette with a zest for life. That Annette still holds true, but just like everyone else in the world, I have my challenges too.

I have made some very hard decisions since those two blogs. Decisions that will change my life forever. But I know in my heart and in my soul, it will be the best decisions I have ever made. I am strong, I am independent, and you know I will continue life towards one goal. And that is a happy and healthy life for myself and my boys.

Happiness is my key to life. Happiness makes you strong. Happiness makes you a better person. Happiness helps you understand what you want in your life. Happiness helps you get where you need to be.

So I choose happiness.

I know many of you are wondering what on Earth is this blog all about? Well, I really have no plans to go into detail, but most who know me personally, have a good idea. And I thank you to those for all of your support.

“Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be as difficult. Yet strength is measured not by holding on, but by letting go.”
-Len Santos


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