The Good, the Bad and the Ballot

October 12th, 2012

Today I am full of "P" and "V" and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for me to sit and write a little something about our dear, oh dear, election ballot.

Just like before when I write about such interesting events that so happen to include President Obama, I make sure I throw on my Obama-faced 2012 shirt just for this special occasion. As I take a deep breath over my keyboard, Obama's head on my shirt seems to reach closer and closer as if he is watching every word I type, making sure it's just right.

So let's talk about the Good. Yes, that's right, the good is just that man I write about, and that's President Obama. A no brainer for me there. I vote "YES" for the Obama/Biden ticket. Just watching the debate last night sealed my deal. I may be from Wisconsin but Ryan just isn't the ticket. And God help me, nor is bully Romney either. But I admit, Ryan did hold his ground last night, though much of it "malarkey" as Biden described. I call it Hocus Pocus.

Moving on we have our favored senators on the ballot. Not a tough one for me there either. Bill Nelson has my name written all over it. Yes, if you haven't noticed, I have voted Democrat thus far, because, duh, it's simply the right choice. Mack and the rest of the yahoos can kiss my rubber duck!
Oh look, now we are getting into our Congress. Simply put, they all need to go, so I plan to go for Blumenthal, whoever the hell he is. Forget Who would vote for a .com candidate is beyond me. So stupid.

Next up, Matt Hudson and Pam Brown. Hello out there, this one is special! Since Matt has been our representative long enough, what 5 years now, it's time for a fresh start and the perfect fit is Pam Brown. I love that woman. She's coming out fresh and in full force. Her style and voice is exactly what we need as a state representative. Go Pam Go!

Our Sheriff is next on the list and I think that is yet another obvious choice. I choose Rambosk over Angiolillo. Rambosk has done a great job with our Sheriffs office and he continues to commit to the community in many more ways than that Vinny could ever do. That guy gives me the willies. Yuck!
Drum roll please....! Lo and behold, my wonderful and beautiful District 5 Commissioner vote. Hmmm........this is fun! I may be a registered Democrat, but come hell or high water, I sure ain't vote'n for no man called "Robin Hood"!

(I just felt the need to write like a redneck there for a minute)

Good lord, what would we do in District 5 with a man in tights? I know I'll have to pull out the ole bow and arrow someday, but not for my choice as a Commissioner. Yikes! So please, vote Tim Nance, or I will have to hang myself.

Then on to the Supreme Court Judges. We have Justice Lewis, Pariente, Quince, Black, Casanueva, Davis Jr., and LaRose. Who are these people? Are they the ones calling me at home every night?
On the ballot it asks if these judges should still be retained in office? I look down at my shirt and ask Obama, but he just keeps smiling. So my answer is sure, why not, as long as they keep up the good work I guess. Whatever.

County judges are more my style. Now I have an idea who these candidates are. I think I remember them from a debate over the summer at the Golden Gate Community Center. I liked the name Turner, sounded nice then. So I think I will go with that choice.

Dave Farmer, you are the true winner here for our Mosquito Control seat. I know you will come through because with all rain lately, I can't take another bite and my chicken and turkeys are going nuts!

Ahhh, I have come to the Renewal of the Tax Neutral funding for our schools. And I know I will be hated on this one, but after reading the facts that Duke Vasey wrote the other day in the paper, I just cannot bring myself to vote yes on this. So I vote NO. Sorry Kamela.

Now the Bad. The absolute most difficult part of this whole voting experience I have dreaded to come to. The Amendments. Even Obama's smile on my shirt as I look down turns into a frown. I have read, slept, and even dreamed about these amendments and I keep coming back to the same answer on each and every one of them. I vote NO on every single one. And you know which one get's me the most?

Amendment 8-Religious Freedom.
I go to church this past Sunday at St. Agnes to be pounded with signs in the parking lot telling me to vote "YES" on this amendment. Then I have to sit down during mass and open the bulletin to see more ads to vote "YES", and yet continue having to read about both Presidential candidates and there ideas on each amendment. What is up with that! We must keep church and state separate.

I will give you an amendment. This is called Amendment 13.

Proposing an amendment to Section 7 of Article XIV with the creation of Section 3, and amending Article XIVI, therefore adding sections 32 and 33, relating to building a Regional Park in Golden Gate Estates.

Proponiendo una enmienda a la sección 7 del artículo XIV y la creación de la sección 3 y rectificativo XIVI artículo, por lo tanto, agregar las secciones 32 y 33, relativos a la construcción de un Parque Regional en Golden Gate Estates.

Yes or No?
Happy Voting!


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