Oh For God's Sake!

April 20th, 2012

I wake up every morning to a beautiful day. Looking forward to getting all cozy on the couch bright and early, eager to read my morning newspaper. But you know what? It is so depressing! I can't stand what this world is coming to sometimes.

First thing I read was about Alex Crain. The poor kid. Yes, I know he committed a horrible crime killing his parents, but 20 years? A bit much for a 15 year old wouldn't you say? I certainly agree with punishment, maybe 5-10 years since he was 14 at the time, but 20? I guarantee his parents are tearful in heaven right now. Very sad.

Moving on, the oil spill and the poor sea life. I hope this is a lesson learned for everyone. I agree we need to drill much more than we do now, or at least focus more on natural gas. But no more in the water. God made our oceans for a reason and it wasn't for us to tap oil into.

Then immediately following was of course something about the Estates again. Shafted once more. Now it reads there is a delay for a field station that has been planned for this year. Other fiscal priorities once again consumes our future. Is that ever going to change? I am beginning to feel like the middle child or step-child for that matter.

Yes, another shocker of a killing in Florida once again getting the best of me. Two teens being burned Sunday morning in Orange County. If that's not enough to make you sick, then I don't know what is. The "almost" abduction of the teen in Golden Gate compares pretty close I guess. Watch your children people!

The whole Congressman Rivera case has certainly taken a toll for the worst. Tax evasion and then some certainly seems to be a big topic for him lately. So why do it? God help people. If you go through life never lying and cheating others, being honest and humble, life is so much easier. I think he lost this one already.

Secret Service, "Your fired!"

Then the last of my morning rant is the $46 BILLION tax cut the Republicans want to push through. What the ? I meant "heck" there by the way, but take it as you see fit. This article is a doozy. How on earth can we afford to give any more tax cuts when we are in the hole? I am so confused by this government. I thought the Republicans were so eager to cut that trillion dollar debt? Now what they are proposing is making it worse! Giving the employers with less than 500 employees a 20% tax break on their domestic earnings. Again, giving in to the wealthy. Well I can tell you where to put that bill.

So ending, the only wonderful thing about my morning read was the great taste of Folgers with a touch of half and half.

Good day!


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