Park Impact Fee Requests

June 16th, 2012

There has been alot of crazy stuff going on lately in the Estates and I can no longer sit here at my desk without expressing how I feel about some of the issues. As much as I would rather sit and write a family story, I am compelled to do the opposite.

I will begin with the latest venture I have been working on for many weeks now. And that's the distribution of park impact fees from District #5, my community. It took some time to get the numbers from the Parks and Rec. division but they came through thankfully. Now I have plenty of work to do ahead of me, trying to understand where all of the money went from all the impact fees.

If you do not know, when you decide to ever build a house, you pay impact fees to build it. In those impact fees are regional and community park fees, along with library, fire, schools, roads, jails, EMS, government buildings, and lastly, law enforcement. The regional park impact fees are basically thrown into a pool and spread evenly throughout Collier County. (Obviously not here, right?) The community park impact fees are those that must stay in that district. With that said, my requests have been many. I am looking into how much impact fee money has been collected, distributed, and saved from both regional and community park fees. This week, I have received a power point presentation of the County's park impact fees going back from 1998-2011. I studied it for hours upon hours yesterday and have many questions to submit.

I have no intention at this point to submit my findings to you, but from what I see now, I would say I am a bit confused and agitated. Frustrated to say the least. Nothing against you Barry of course, you are the best!

Then this morning, a little article in the paper by Katherine Albers (whom I finally just met) reads: Productivity panel had a key role in Collier. It reads about how this panel can go line by line through budgets with a private sector eye, along with a taxpayer eye. Including impact fees. How cool is that!

You can read that here;

After reading it, a light bulb went off! Why not have more set of eyes look at this impact fee report and hopefully come up with the same numbers as I? What I seek is how much money is owed to us here in District #5 and when can we start building our park! Though anyone from any district can do the same for their own interests. Have at it! I just want to focus on ours right now.

I could go on and on with my findings but I must be fully prepared before I start throwing out numbers. What would really be fun is to actually post the numbers to all of you, or even send you the power-point for you to work on like I did. More eyes the better!

But in reality, more than likely there is no money for our park and we have to think of an alternative. And we did! And that is to open a non-profit to take in donations for this park. When this is up and running, with of course yours truly to run it, maybe then we will get our park in a decade or so. (Kidding!) Okay, maybe before my last one graduates. (Wait, that's longer than a decade) Okay, sooner.

There are other issues, the shipping container ordeal and Immokalee Master plan, but those are going to have to wait another day. Must be off and running now.

Happy Fathers Day!


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