Common Core Bites! Parents Do Rock!

August 12th, 2013

There are two topics of discussion that have been on my mind. Both upsetting to all of us parents that have kids in school.

The first topic is the Common Core Standards that was developed by a group of governors and non profits that has since been implemented here in Collier County. It's basically our national school curriculum headed by our federal government that is sweeping the country as I write. The more I think about it, it was implemented and defended by Jeb Bush. Even Obama, my buddy, has even given cash incentives to promote it through a Race to the Top competition, heavily funded by Bill Gates. Our government is taking total control over our kids education while making money at the same time. 45 states have already adopted this program since 2010, Florida included.

Here's the site for the Standards of Common Core;
What really got me motivated to write this was a you tube video by Erika Donalds. She did an amazing job explaining the whole process. She,as am I, are completely opposed to the Common Core Program. We need to implement a plan of our own. We need to get back to basics and quit upping the bar on these kids. Just go take a peek at this common core website. You will look at the grades and what is to be expected of each student. If you click on Kindergarten, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw what they'll be taught.

Beginning with counting and cardinality(even I just learned that word), operations and algebraic thinking(you've got to be kidding), number and operations in base ten(whatever that means), measurement and data(what?), and lastly, geometry(ridiculous!).

What a joke! What ever happened to coloring books and crayons, learning the alphabet, counting to 100, reading stories and singing nursery rhymes? Come on, the kids are 5 years old and hitting up geometry? No wonder these kids will fail, the stakes are just too high. And it boils down to equality in the classrooms. Many kids are not at the same level, though they all have to be in the same class. Many getting more attention than others as the rest get short changed, as they end up falling further and further behind. After seeing the outlines for Kindergarten expectations, I would probably flunk Kindergarten if I ever did go back to school. And here I thought I was smart? Pffft!

My next subject is Parents Do Rock! Just go to this site and you will understand their focus on the latest After School Care hoopla going on all over Collier County. The site is
The district is going to take over the after school programs now. There has been no parent input into this discussion and it has already been passed by our School Board. It's unreal what our School Board is thinking. And the sad part, it's all about money.

I have never utilized the after school programs, but I have heard that the non-profits that ran them, brought in roughly $7 million dollars a year. That's outstanding! They have done and excellent job and have given out over $500,000 in scholarships to the community. So why change a good thing? Again, it's all about the money.

Now, with no regards to the parents, our School Board will now handle the after school programs, wanting to grab the $7 million in profits. All stemming from parents pockets without any say. It's all too bad really. The last I heard, these after school programs only charged $12 per day per child, and if they did not attend, it was pay as you go. Or four days at $48 dollars and the fifth day free. Good deal to me and play time for the kids.

The new structure the School Board has presented is $50 per week, whether your child comes or not. Part time kids that use this, say two days, will be required to pay minimum of three days, no matter what. And if you go just one day, it's $20 per child with no financial assistance. An increase to parent ranging from 35-70%. At least teachers will get a 20% discount. And the principals of each school gets to choose which provider or program they want as they reap the profits too.

On top of this craziness, the kids will not get that after school run out and play release that you all know they need after a long day in school. No, now they will have 2 hours of work with a certified teacher, extending their school day even more. All on the parents dime! I think someone needs to kiss my rubber duck again. I noticed I have used that alot lately.

So do you think in the Estates area where I live, we build our own Sports Center or PARK!? :) We can bus these kids over to an after school program filled with sports and activities and allow the parents the satisfaction of knowing their kids are safe and having some fun! Oh, and creating more jobs too!

How about that!


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