
January 14th, 2013

"Mom, come here, look at this."
"Mom, I can't find it, can you come here and show me?"
"Mom, I want to go to a friends house, I need a ride."
"Mom, what's the derivative of 3x^2 - 6x + 7?"'
"Mom, I'm bored, there's nothing to do."
"Mom, you know I don't eat that."
"Mom, I don't feel like cleaning my room, can I do it tomorrow?"
"Mom, where's my DSI?"
"Mom, can we go to the pier?"
"Mom, my project is due tomorrow, I need help."
"Mom, he hit me!"


And you wonder why I barely have time to write anymore! I can't take it! Trying to raise four boys practically solo is really getting the best of me. It's completely overwhelming. And it's true what a lady
at church said to me last year. "Enjoy it while you can, because it's only going to get worse."

Thanks lady, that really made my day. But it's so true. I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, but then again, I would never change a thing either. I love my boys, but really, it's serious high maintenance. No wonder my husband works so much. Who wants to come home to 10 million questions, fighting, and everything in the house practically broken? Really, sometimes I don't want to be here either, but I am. And I will make sure I love every bit of it!

I hear girls are whiny and boys are needy. So I guess I should be thankful, right? They really do need their Moms to get them through times of need. And by God when they do need you, you better be listening! You better make good eye contact too. Boy, when my mind and eyes begin to wander, in a split second you'll hear, "Mom, I am trying to tell you, you're not listening!"

Geez kid, give me a break!

It's hard being a parent. I keep telling those parents that work full time and try to raise a family, that I don't know how they do it. I myself have only been working a day or two a week and I am completely exhausted! Once I walk in the door, I am conquered from every angle. What's most funny(or not), and why I have learned to work the least as possible, is what happened one day, not too long ago.

I came home after a long day helping out Olde Cypress with their opening day. It was a school day, so I had expected my oldest, Daniel, to be able to handle the household for about two hours on his own. Well, it was so busy at Old Cypress, he ended up watching all of them for over 4 hours. A day I will never forget.

As I walked into the house, Daniel, and my third in line, couldn't wait to show me what they did. And they were just so excited to tell me, I was actually getting excited too! So the camera get's pulled out, I then knew they videotaped something. Mind you, Daniel was 15 and the other is 9. They push the play button and I began watching them as they stood on the roof, playing basketball. They were so proud of the bank shots they made.

My jaw hit the floor. I just could not believe what I was seeing. These two were actually recording themselves atop of our high roof shooting baskets, as the other two below shot balls back.
From that day on, with a few tears shed, and trying to understand what the hell just happened, I knew then, it will be a very long time before I work like that again.


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