Home Sweet Home

September 15th, 2012

I flew out of Naples this past Wednesday into Wisconsin and it's unreal how the memories just poured back the moment I stepped foot onto Wisconsin soil.

With the weather so crisp and the fresh smell of fall luring around the corner, I realized I was truly home. And I have been embracing it ever since.

The day I arrived, my Aunt Madge and her son, which is my cousin Steve, picked up my Dad and I at the airport. Shorty after we heading for a nice steak dinner at this really neat place called Road House. The Estates could use one of these places, I know everyone would just love it. It has that Northern wood effect, rustic theme with buckets of peanuts on the table to nibble on, great hearty steaks and a ice cold margaritas.

Wisconsin is where I grew up but Janesville is where I am today. My hometown of Rome, Wisconsin, is about 2 hours or so North of here. My friends want to see me so decided on day trip to Wisconsin Dells this Tuesday. Angie and Kathy have been great friends of mine forever it seems and hopefully we can take some excitement in the Dells and have a nice lunch.

Since then, my Aunt Madge and I have just talked up a storm. This woman at the age of 82 is sharp as they come. And all the memories from way back when still engulf her like it were yesterday. Hell, I can't even remember half of what I did last week, but I guarantee she'd let you know!
We have already taken a trip to the cemeteries to see Uncle Marv and both set of my grandparents. We took a bunch of pictures but Aunt Madge couldn’t understand why we were smiling in these pictures, seeing it was such a solemn moment. I told her they would rather have us smiling and dancing on their graves than to be sad and crying. But I did see her shed a tear over Uncle Marvs and I gave her a big hug.

Aunt Madge lost her husband almost two years ago and she has since moved back to Janesville only 6 months ago. She live in Lodi for over 30 years with Uncle Marv at their big beautiful lake house. The life of boating, fishing, tubing and everything imaginable brought every ounce of family there for great parties and reunions. I will certainly miss that place but she made a good move to come back here to her hometown of Janesville.

Then last night we met up with my Mom's side of the family, the Kelly's. There was about 22 of us for dinner and it was just wonderful seeing everyone. I took so many pictures they thought I was nuts. They kept saying I was the same old Nettie. That I am.

Now I am off and running to the International Water Ski Show here in Janesville. Belgium, Canada, China, Australia, and the US are among the teams competing. Should be fun to watch since I used to ski there back in the days when we competed in the National Ski Shows.

Until next time! Have a great weekend!


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