I'm Back!

May 18th, 2014

I'm back! I bet you all thought I ran away. No, can't say I ran away, well, maybe for the weekend. I am sitting here in Fort Lauderdale at my brothers house and enjoying the utmost peace and quiet. No kids to worry about, no laundry, no work, and no animals to tend to. Absolutely nothing! I even wrote to a friend that I just may go skinny dippin' in the pool if I want to. And no, my brother and his girlfriend are not here. They are off in Germany and I have their pad all to myself. Maybe I'll even hit the strip clubs tonight! Lol! Because I can! But really,I won't. But that would be a total trip! No, after this blog, I am heading to the beach and tonight to a good movie.

All day yesterday I went shopping at the Sawgrass Mills Mall and I think I walked about 10 miles. That mall has no end! But I bought some new dresses and shoes. I get to where more dresses again, because if some of you don't know, I lost 50 pounds this past year and I am looking good! ;) Well, I think I am looking good. And I have braces too! I look like a total geek, but hey, that's okay! Call it my midlife crisis.

So I just wanted to say "Hello" to all of my readers and to let you know, I plan to get back into writing once a week as I always have. With the divorce, then my Dads passing a couple of weeks ago, everything seemed to be quite an extensive blur. Another reason I am taking a long weekend off. But when I do get home, I really want to focus on our area. Tim Nance held a great town hall meeting earlier this month and he presented every possible thing we need to know about Golden Gate Estates, and our future. I told him and everyone who was involved, that they did an outstanding job with all the information provided. On the agenda for that meeting, it went from our park, to roads, to oil wells, EMS, to economic development. So I told Tim that I plan to write a blog series over the summer about that meeting itself. Each item I will hit on and blog about. But of course, if I have the urge to write something off the beaten path, that's okay too!

The first one I want to write about is from way back when. It was the year 1961 and it's called, "An Open Letter", written by Leonard Rosen. The letter is directed specifically for Golden Gate Estates. It's pretty interesting read since it was before I was even born. So keep on the look out for that next week. I think it's time to hit the beach now!

Happy Sunday Everyone!


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