Truancy Troubles

January 20th, 2011

I always question myself when circumstances arise where children are having problems, causing the problems, or simply are the problem. My question is, can you blame the child? In my opinion, you can't. It always goes back to the parents.

With the latest story about the mother, Amy Pullella, who's son has been taken away for truancy, unfortunately the problem is her. No matter what happens in adolescent situations in life, I always reflect on the parents and how the child is being raised.

I commend Collier County and all of the efforts they have put forth to get this child to go to school. There is no reason why a child could possibly miss 83 days of school and the parent not be blamed. Even if the boy's behavior is good or bad, there is no excuse.

Then you have the mother, where I see lives out here in the Estates, telling us, "It's not her fault." Sorry to be harsh, but it is your fault, absolutely 100% your fault. There is no reason to have a child miss so many days of school. How is that even possible? It's just sad to see so many parents now-days let the children run the household.

Then she has the audacity to request home-bound schooling for her son because other kids get to. What, she would rather have him home, taking a course in Algebra, sipping on a glass of Chianti?
Then she goes on to complain that all of this hoopla about her and her son are costing taxpayers money. Isn't the home-bound school program taxpayers money?

Everything the county has done so far is completely justified, it's the mom now that needs to step up to the plate, find a job, get organized, and then hopefully get another chance with her son.
I never like to see kids separated from the parents, but sometimes situations like this happen, and lessons need to be learned. A lesson for us too as a community as to what to expect when your child misses school.

I myself have four boys in school, and to this day, not one day has been missed by either of them. I am very proud of them for their efforts, and proud of mine because IT IS our responsibility as parents.


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