Occupy Growth

November 29th. 2011

If you have read my efforts in the past, I continue to push forward a path to the future of Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park here in The Estates Community. Not only is this park top priority, but others such as a new fire-station and bridges are too. Priorities that need attention.

First, our park. I have been working on requesting donations. At this point with the economy the way it is, we have to get creative and that's what I plan to do. Otherwise I just may be dead before it's ever built. :)

This article, hoping it will graciously be passed on to Mr.Bollt, owner of Orange Tree, Bryan Paul Family Partnership of Orange Blossom Ranch, Pulte Homes,Beazer Homes, DR Horton, and the future Town of Big Cypress by Collier Enterprises. All of which are big developers of surrounding communities that can put forth one big effort for this regional park. I have spoken recently with Burt Saunders over the idea and maybe sometime in the near future, Mr. Bollt and the other developers can seriously consider offering donations. Maybe it could be Mr. Bollt to offer his own donation to start this park campaign, in hopes others will follow.

What kind of monetary donations?

Any kind really, whether it be big or small, each and every contribution will go into a special fund solely to Parks and Rec for the Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park. This is where developers can get very creative. Examples could be one lump sum, another maybe a certain amount placed aside each year until the park is complete, impact fee match, or even for every home sold/built, a $500 donation goes directly to this park fund until the park is complete. The cost of this park alone is $11 million.
Requested donations from developers will not only give them an enormous benefit for their reputation of giving back to the community, but could also greatly increase their home sales. Who would not want to buy into a community that is helping build a beautiful regional park for them? And look at the great advantage of increased residential and commercial values too!

Moving on to impact fees.

There is also what's called a Acreage Impact Fee. Prior to the final approval of a subdivision, the sub-divider/developer shall pay an Acreage Impact Fee to Parks and Rec to provide for the eventual improvement and expansion of a new park. Such Acreage Impact Fees are deposited in a Parks and Rec Fund.

That's just another idea I had to toss out there. It's all about being creative, just remember that!
Now, the big request. I am placing this very true and meaningful request to all Commissioners of Collier County.

Dear Commissioners,
Beginning January 1st of 2012, or reasonable time allowed, please allow most or a sufficient amount of impact fees from these surrounding developments, to be placed into a special fund solely for top priorities in The Estates Community. Especially our park.

As we all know, many years ago when times were good, homes were being built and impact fees were growing faster than we could count. But where did those impact fees go?

Everywhere but here. And I feel now it's time we get those impact fees back into our community.
As of September 1, 2011, the new single family home impact fees have gone into effect. From the sale of an average size home, $3386.51 is taken strictly for community and regional parks. Add up all fees and you get $16,848.32 from each home. Money that could go directly into the Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park Fund and other priorities stated.

Okay, I will be realistic, I know we can't take ALL of that money because it does include roads, EMS, schools, government buildings, libraries, and more. But we should consider taking at least half of that towards our priorities. An idea I want you as Commissioners to consider.

How can we do this the Commissioners ask?

Because you as County Commissioners can. Because you as Commissioners are the door that opens to the future of The Estates Community. We may be the taxpayers and a community with needs, but truly, in the end, it's in your hands.

It's time to turn this around and it's up to you as Commissioners and our developers to recognize needs for our community and take these needs seriously. Our future growth is spreading and that direction is here. Now is the time we start thinking about it. Your decision is our future.

Thank you


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