Bullying Comes Too Close To Home

February 4th, 2011

I sit here at 4 am this morning wondering why I can't sleep. I have been up since 3, yesterday was 2:30 and I keep asking myself, why?

The only thing I can think of is that all the sad situations going on around me pertaining to such young kids in middle schools and high schools must be seriously affecting my life. I am bothered by it and there is nothing I can do about it.

Though I keep telling myself I can do something about it and that is to be the best parent I can be to my kids and make sure they stay safe. I feel I have to worry about their safety now more than ever.
With the death of Dylan Nuno, death threats faced online amongst a group of teenagers on Facebook still lingering on the back of my mind, I now find myself dealing with a kid that won't stop staring down one of my children on the bus. Yet another reason that brings me too write in the wee hours of the morning. But I ask myself, should I or shouldn't I write this? I am very careful not to bring you too deep into my life but this I do want to share. It's important.

On the bus yesterday, my son is being stared down by whom is known to be a bully to begin with. The kid is much bigger than he, so my son sits quiet and does the best he can to ignore him. Friends of my son are aware of the stare down and tell my son, "They got his back."

The bus comes to stop, all the kids get off at our stop, including Mr. Bully who still can't stop "looking" at my son. Now my son is scared. As he was telling me this story, I asked where was So and So? So and So is my neighbor who always picks them up from the stop. So and So for the first time ever, wasn't there. Again, I told him if he is at all fearful to get off the bus and no one is there, then don't get off the bus.

As Mr. Bully turned to the other side of the street towards his home along with his scrawny buddy as his follower, my son and the other two make a run for it towards home, very scared. The bus driver sat at the stop yelling in spanish to Mr.Bully as he stood there on the street. What his intentions were, I don't know. Obviously the bus driver new something was going on or she would have just left. And a wonderful bus driver she is by the way, you can't get any better than her.

So the bus leaves. Minutes later as my son and the other two are halfway home, they see their bus start to turn into our street. She came back. She pulled into our street and then began to back up to the street across to where Mr. Bully was. She backed all the way up until she met up with Mr. Bully and friend. What was said, again, I do not know other than how grateful I am to this woman. To go out of her way like that is outstanding and I thank her.

Now I have a son who is petrified to go back on the bus. I assured him I would take him to school from now on if necessary. I won't put up with this and this is the only way to keep him safe. It's very unfortunate because my kids and let alone myself growing up, always rode the bus. Now it's just getting more and more scary. Kids are getting more and more scary.

What do I do now? Contact the school? Absolutely. Contact the bus transportation? Absolutely. When circumstances like this arise in my life, I am all over it. My husband calls me the Mama bear protecting her cubs. Today, I will be a Grizzly.


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