A Bus Driver Named "Miss Naomi"

February 28th, 2011

I wanted to take some time out of my day to write about our bus driver that goes out of her way each and every day for all students on bus 551 out here in the Estates. From taking the time to speak to them individually, making sure they behave when they are supposed to, sparking up conversations with the many that need it, and always pulling over when there are just one too many cars piled up behind her.
Miss Naomi is what my kids call her. They just love her. Her kindness in words and actions go so far beyond any parents expectations that and I just wanted to take a moment and thank her in my blog. It's important to have this lady recognized and I hope she is at the Bus Transportation Department as well.
Is there such a thing as Bus Driver of the Year Award? If so, she has my vote.

Another thing I would love to mention in this letter is if Bus Transportation would consider asking all of their drivers if they would like the same route the following year. It would not only benefit Miss Naomi since she would know all of them, except some kindergartners, but it would also help our kids keep that comfort level of expectations with the bus driver they love so much. And that extends to all bus drivers.

So I thank you Miss Naomi for all of your hard work and your love of our kids, it speaks volumes.
Annette Kniola


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