Cuba...It's What's For Naples

November 19th, 2011

This morning's paper I read about the whole situation with the Immokalee Airport concerning Hiller, Nance, Fletcher and allegations that followed. Then I went on the watch the video on behalf of Commissioner Hiller one on one Newsmaker with Jeff Lytle. You can find that under videos on this site.

Anyway, forget all of that for a moment and ask yourself, why were they there to begin with? I understand the Commissioner Hiller is concerned with land owned by the Barron's as it is adjacent to the airport and it is zoned agricultural. The county needs it in order to expand the airport. And yes, agricultural is alot less expensive than commercial. So who do the Barron's think they are wanting it rezoned and then turn around and charge the government more? She is right on with that and that's a perfect example of a Commissioner doing her job looking out for us taxpayers. There is no reason we should be buying any land after it is rezoned just to get more money out of it. Whether it's grant money or not, it's taxpayer money and it needs to be delegated properly.

Now moving on to the purpose of expanding the Immokalee Airport. I have a little news that may give you a good reason to lift an eyebrow.

The Immokolee Airport may be going to be the gateway to Cuba. Look around the state, and you will notice we are the closest portal to Cuba. We all know Obama is pushing to open it's doors to Cuba. Heck, they can even buy and sell home's legally now. Big changes are coming and they are coming right here to Southwest Florida.

Did you know the National Guard is there right now setting up a 1/2 moon hangar that will store all of their equipment and trucks? And why? Because the government is closing in and closing in fast.
FAA is already involved and will be prepared to bring in big cargo planes and more. They already made a point that any more buildings to be built in Immokalee and surrounding communities must be built at low levels.

So it looks like we are getting a bigger airport with longer runways, better security, and a big sign that reads, "We Welcome Cuba!"

Can you imagine what this could do for our economy? For Immokalee? This could be outstanding! Businesses would grow in support of the airport and jobs could be added for the many that live there now. This is a real opportunity!

But I wonder why I am the only one telling it? Is it hush hush because the Barron's are involved? Is it hush hush because something fishy is going on?

I really do not think anything is fishy going on, but I do agree, we need to purchase land around the airport for expansion with government funds, especially if they are the ones that are going to run it. And also pay for land as agriculture not commercial from the Barron's as I stated above. That would be criminal to our country's taxpayers!

And as far as the Immokalee Master Plan? Well, I must say, looks as though we have some work to do.
That's all folks!


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