Halloween Happiness and Horror

October 2, 2011

The chill is in the air! The mornings of October have enlightened us with the sense of fall. Kind of like being up north and the excitement of the trees changing colors to the long await of snow to begin once more.

Here at the Kniola household, October is the month of witches and warlocks and of course my birthday, as it falls on Halloween. October 1st is the day we pull out all of the Halloween decorations and prepare to turn our house into The House of Horrors. To some extent at least.

So as I pull out all of the Halloween bins from the attic, I get to enjoy little Mommy moments as I watch my kids rummage through their chest and start pulling out costumes left and right. One hurries to be a GI Joe, the other a mix of Bigfoot and Jason. "Oooh, I holler, your scaring me!"

Item after item gets pulled out from each bin bringing up memories of the year before. The excitement of scary stories, creepy images, and trick or treating become endless chatter as we play and decorate away. Then I get to the big Cauldron, you know that big black looking witches pot. Ours is huge and my youngest can't get enough of it. Instead of using the Cauldron to decorate, my little one has happily taken it as his own personal toy. Whether he enjoys to sit in it as he watches TV, carry around his special belongings from room to room, or uses it as his head as he walks around aimlessly bumping into walls.
Adding to the cool weather and the house nicely decorated, a bit of horror has since crept in. Bob the bobcat has returned. Twice seen crossing our road the last couple of days to the most recent just last night as my Mom was peeking out our back window at dusk.

My Mom said this morning, "If you want to see this house come alive at a moments notice, it was last night."

The four boys loaded themselves up with BB guns, flashlights, and toy bow and arrows. Then she allowed my 14 and 11 year old to take her car out to the backyard to honk the horn to keep Bob the bobcat away from the chickens. She giggled as she watched the oldest carefully creep out of the car to take a peek, observing his sense of fear. The other two were holding back to see what the others could conquer first. I would imagine they conquered scaring Bob away with the endless honking of the horn.

They both fulfilled getting most of the chickens in the coop as others scrambled for tree limbs. They were certainly spooked by something!

When my husband and I arrived home, the boys asked to get the night cameras out, so Dan set them up. This morning not much appeared except one spooky thing did show up on two of the photos. This particular camera focused on the chicken coop door which I left wide open, hoping the chickens that were up in the trees would come down into the pen. The first picture was taken at 10:35pm with the door wide open as I left it. What triggered the picture to go off? Nothing can be seen. The second photo at 11:27pm triggered the camera once more, this time the door is closed. Now that's creepy! Could the wind have triggered the camera and close the door at the same time? Did a ghost kindly close it for us?

All I know is the kids are petrified, they think either Bigfoot or a Chupacabra have arrived. Or then again, maybe it was Bob the bobcat!

I now realize the month of October is going to be filled with not only happiness, but also with plenty of horror!

Happy Halloween!


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