The World as I Know It

August 13th, 2011

As you all know, I have been dealing with a bobcat in my backyard for weeks now, lurking around fulfilling it's dream of a belly full of fresh chickens.

Since then, I have been spending a lot of time on the land we call home, mostly watching and waiting for this fascinating predator to appear once again. Yet, nothing.

So I blare Christian music into the backyard, hoping this bobcat will think to listen for just a moment before he thinks twice about his actions. My thought is, maybe the word of God will sink in so he can then move on. Then soon, the Kniola's can live in the world we once knew.

I may be the oddest person you met, I know myself I must be. I not only talk to myself often, contemplating my thoughts over and over about the world as we once knew it, but I also talk to all the animals as if they were humans. And you know what? They really listen.

The kids cannot understand how I do what I do with animals, especially the wild ones. Animals big or small take to me and love me and want to be around me, where with kids, they just run from or bite. My kids also cannot understand why I can't kill anything. Not even a bug or deadly snake. They do the quick hush hush when they see me coming as they are watching that stupid show “Swamp People.” They know I do not approve of anyone killing alligators, or any creature for that matter.

So that brings me back to the world as I know it. As I sit out there in the backyard sweating profusely watching the chickens and waiting for our buddy “Bob” the bobcat (I just made that name up), thoughts of everything come to mind. From the constant stories of world famine as seen in Somalia, the never ending world of tea party tango, then onto how thankful I am to be who I am, doing what I am doing. Pretty crazy thinking I know. But that's me, that's how I always think. Sometimes I wonder if I'm ADD. I go from one extreme to another thinking of better ideas for the world, for the county, for the family, and lastly, for my chickens. I even sleep thinking about ideas I could come up with, and boy, there are some doozies.

Then there are times I want to put on my big ole' high heels, step up to the plate and declare I am running for President! And you know what, I bet I could do a damn good job. But I would have to be in control, not Congress. They would have to take my bills and we would compromise within a certain time frame before it passes. Whether it's what part of the budget I am cutting, spending, or which of the wealthy will be taxed greater. Which we all know should be everyone! But before I do, I would have to fire every person of Congress, start over and have the maximum of 50. One senator from each state, no affiliations, all Independents. This way the decisions would be solely for the country, not which ever party is bigger or better or who has the best idea ever and won't budge on compromise. Unfortunately now it's made up of egos and arrogance.

We need compromise. It's like a marriage, it's not easy but the harder you work at it and keep the communications open, compromising will take you much further in the marriage. Kind of like a balanced approach.

Now how the heck I started this blog with chickens, bobcats, swamp people, politics and marriage, no clue, but I did. This just goes to show you how the Kniola mind never ceases to shut off. I have so many wonderful ideas, I just wish someone from Shark Tank or anywhere out there will hire me, giving me a chance. A chance at what you ask? Ahhh, it's the many thoughts and ideas that could really make a difference in my life and yours.

Any bites?


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