Trolls with No Souls

December 11th, 2011

Do you read the latest letter to the editor titled, "Will you get a grip?" It's written by Norma Henning and the truth about anonymous comments from people who hide behind their real names on this site.

Here is her link:

Don't get me wrong, it can be interesting not knowing who these people are because they may give out their true feeling on subjects, but I agree with what Norma wrote and it would be much better if they carried themselves out in a more professional manner.

The comments of hate, racism, and insults on this site has really gotten out of hand. But will NDN ever change anonymous names to real ones? I doubt it. It's unfortunate people are afraid to place their real names. And why is that? What are they hiding from? I use my name and I'm not afraid of certain repercussions, as long as I handle them in a professional manner like everyone should.

I myself have been getting comments on my last two blogs from an anonymous man named "Sick". And sick he is. He is an example of what you call a "Troll". Trolling along seeking to release his negative energy onto the many people who write on the NDN site. My blogger friend KeeKee responded to one of his comments in my defense. She wrote, "Pay it no mind. Always keep in mind that trolls have no credibility of their own, they can only troll for the credibility that belongs to real people. Don’t give it any more of yours."

Today, I will pay mind to it one last time. And watch, just as soon as I post this blog, you'll see his comments show up. I will then have it removed because it seems he can not get enough of berating myself and The Estates Community. Deep down, I think he enjoys my blogs but just needs attention or maybe it's a jealousy factor. I feel for him honestly.

But Sick, if you really feel the need to comment on my blogs and write the many innuendos as you see fit, go ahead. But as soon as you post them, I will suggest removal. Unless of course you grow up and learn to write in a professional manner. But in reality, I think it's time for you to go away and find yourself.

I pray for you.


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