Something is Lurking in My Backyard!

August 9th, 2011

Something is lurking in my backyard!! oooohhhhh........aaaahhhhh.......

Pretty creepy when you know somewhere out there something rather large is watching and living nearby or let alone right on our property and we don't even know it!

Could it be under the shed? In a hollow tree deep in the underbrush? Or could it be living nearby and just jump our fence?

It's something, and it's not small.

Over the past week, we have had three hens and one chick swiped from the land we call home.
Every morning I have a routine as I let out the chickens from the coop to graze in the yard. Something has since gone awry.

Starting with one chick that led to the loss of it's own mother hen, Sweet Pea, onto the loss of her mother hen, Daisy.

Daisy as you may recall, was the mother hen along with her six chicks my sister rescued last year and I wrote an article about.

Daisy must have really put up a fight as her rooster son, Mojo, defended her to this unknown predator. The next day, it was Rosie, my Rhode Island Red. Whatever it is, it's hungry.

I know, you say to yourself, why do you keep letting them out?

I kept letting them out to free roam because not only has it been brood daylight, but I have two dogs out often, and two of the four attacks happened when my husband was outside mowing or weed-whacking.

Whatever it is, it's swift.

I have since found three of the crime scenes, one out in the open and two deep in a thicket of woods. The most recent Rosie, I could find no forensic evidence of any foul play. She just vanished!
We have since kept all the chickens in the pen. They don't want to go out anyway because they are so spooked. And Mojo has not only had his feathers literally ruffled and pulled by this beast, he hasn't cock a doodle- dooed for three days now. Poor guy, lost his sister and Mom all within a week. I feel for all of them.

For now, we leave the wildlife cameras out to try and catch a glimpse, but nothing, only redneck sightings. That would be my kids who act like rednecks on our land.
Hopefully, this beast, whether it's a fox, a bobcat, or even a panther, will soon move on knowing it's free lunch has now expired to the coop!


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