Jolly 'Ole Dwight E. Brock

September 22, 2011

What a hoot! Last night was actually a very informative affair as guest speaker Dwight Brock took the floor at the Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association meeting. An evening spent with a man that has quite the character, is honest, to the point, and definitely loves to talk!

Mr. Brock, our Collier County Clerk of Courts, spoke of his legal responsibility to defend the public, protecting his responsibility as working, "zealously." Or in another word, passionately. Which is quite nice to hear honestly. He was certainly whole hearted during his whole presentation, especially when he talked about the ongoing $4 million of our taxpayer dollars used up so far on this audit. If you remember, and I hope I get this right, Brock sued the Commission because he was restricted from auditing certain accounts. But he won and the audit continues.

The audit is in reference to Collier County’s Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department. Mr. Brock talked about this audit and the findings of certain invoices paid over homes in East Naples and Golden Gate Estates over the years. Work that said was done, but really wasn't. He also brought up the whole ordeal of Cirrus Pointe and basically how crooked that has all become.

Someone asked how far back does he plan to go back on the audit. He answered 10 years. He also said out of frustration that he would truly like to finish this ordeal but certain circumstance continue to get in his way. He never exactly revealed those either. Or if he did, I missed it.

This whole audit has been the talk for some time now, especially with fingers pointing at the Commissioners here in Collier County. Brock mentioned there may be controversy between him and the Commission but as he quoted, "I don't care!" "It's my job!"

That's when Commissioner Coletta spoke up. I had a hard time hearing everything that he said since he sat in front. Though I know I did hear him say he offered himself to the table to support Brock. I looked at Brock and his demeanor at that moment and noticed he seemed a bit stand offish with that comment.
Is it our Commissioners standing in his way then? Is that what was spelled out in his demeanor? If so, I hope they let him continue so we can get straight answers and stop this $4 million price tag from skyrocketing any further. So if any Commissioner is reading this, please allow a pass on this, even if it does reveal things we don't want revealed. It's the law.

And I don't care what anyone says about Coletta, I like the man. And I don't care if you care that I like the man. I know that sounds a bit harsh, but it's true. I support Jim Coletta!

But if this audit does come out and reflects our government as corrupt, then I will change my stance. But I certainly hope it doesn't. And hopefully in time Brock will get his job done and we can all put this aside and move forward. Hopefully before election time comes for sure.

Your thoughts?
And God help me on those!


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