Birds of Spring

May 27th, 2011

This time every year, my yard it filled with cardinals, blackbirds, bluejays, mockingbirds, red-bellied woodpeckers, pigeons, pileated woodpeckers, my chickens, and now ducks.

It all began years ago when my husband made a special sanctuary for me in our backyard so I can feed each and every one of our wildlife friends. It's a pleasant place with a huge oak tree in the middle surrounded by many palmetto's and cypress trees all nicely trimmed with a birdbath, birdhouse, and a sitting area. The perfect setting for the everyday feeding frenzy that goes on every morning at the Kniola's. Oh, and we can't forget the squirrels! Anxiously waiting, tails flickering, chattering at their buddies to come and join the feast, placing their special request for the everyday peanut of course.

 Call me Snow White, though I truly feel like it sometimes. It seems the minute I step out that back door with all the bird seed, crackers, leftovers, and plenty of peanuts at hand, you can feel the excitement fill the air. It's really quite a invigorating! Something even I look forward to each and every day.

Years ago we had our first little visitor to our sanctuary, a red bellied woodpecker who I named Red. Red had been around three years now nesting with her third set of babies in a dead tree close by the house. Her first set of chicks I named Moon and Sunshine, the next were Star and Venus, and I have yet to see this year's babies. Moon has stuck around but the other three have gone off on their own. Red it very personable, when she wants that peanut, she will practically jump on your lap waiting as Moon is always by her side. She had my Mom practically cornered in the garage one day pleading for that peanut. Very sweet Red is and I am very grateful she is still here. I never go without peanuts in my pocket anymore!

Then we have the “Men in Black” birds as we call them. They are all the blackbirds you see terrorizing everyone for all the food just like the bluejays. Bluejays are smart, fast and furious. They too all look alike, we just name them all “Jay Jay”.

Mockingbirds and cardinals tend to feed last when I am gone, they are very nervous and prefer to eat in private I guess. Same for the pigeons, they need their quiet space when eating except for my sweet pigeon, Little Midgeon. She arrives promptly every morning and stays throughout the duration, never fearing me or any other bird or squirrel.

Now we have moved up in size to two pileated woodpeckers names Woody and Rosie (named after my Mom and Dad). Woody is most observed loving our neighbors truck mirror as he falls in love with himself on a daily basis. Too funny!

The squirrels come in droves like they have never had a bite to eat in their life. Watching them being silly and playing tag with one another as they race for the right peanut is always a good morning show. I have named each and every one of them and I truly think they may know their names by now. I had one jump on my lap not too long ago that scared the living day lights out of me. We both jumped as high as that oak tree could reach!

Lastly I have my chickens, up to 12 now, and I enjoy each and one of them. Mojo's “cock-a-doodle-doo” keeps us on our toes as he gathers his flock for their morning delight. Mojo has also gotten to know our newest wildlife members, ducks. These three new ducks we named, Donald, Daffy, and Thor have now learned to gather on our rooftop each morning patiently waiting for their turn at the feast. Something Mojo seems to look forward to every morning with his new found friends .


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