Osama Bin Laden's Photo: The Election Wild Card

May 5th, 2011

I was reading the newspaper this morning about how President Obama felt about not sharing the grisly photo of Osama Bin Laden due to, as he stated, "We don't need to spike the football" in triumph after this week's daring middle of the night raid."

Come on? Why not? Personally, I need to see proof!

 The first thing then that crossed my mind was, aaahhhhh, he will use this as an election tool for when the time is right? Maybe, maybe not. Then again, it could turn out to be a very wise decision.
Yes, I voted for Obama and still support him all the way. You can call me Democrat since it is on my voter's card, but I am a mixture of Democrat, Republication, Liberal, Conservative, what have you. I make the decisions for what I feel it right, not what other parties think it should be. That is the problem in today's government and society, everyone choosing a side. Why not play both? I base my decisions solely on facts and my thoughts. Gives me character.

So I write this short and sweet, curious to read back the responses of what all of you think, whether rude and idiotic as my latest post, or intellectual and worth reading as most. So, should we see the photo or not?

Hope to read from you soon!


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