Poor Grades are Giving Me a Headache

July 1st, 2011

Ever since reading the paper this morning, I have been pretty upset by all the grades that have fallen for many of our schools yet want to take a moment and congratulate the schools that have worked hard and received the deserving grade for their schools, especially Mike Davis Elementary. Going from a C to an A is outstanding!
I was ready to go on here this morning and let her rip, but I have pondered since and just want to take a few moments and ask all of you some simple questions.
As you all know, I live out here in The Estates and unfortunately the grade for my children's school has dropped to a C. The only school here that has dropped now for two years in a row.
Other schools in the area received B grades while Corkscrew Elementary and Middle has maintained an A since the day I moved out here five years ago and longer I am sure. They all should be very proud.
So I ask, what is it Corkscrew Elementary is doing and Sabal Palm is not? What is going on at Sabal Palm as it continues to spiral downward without anyone screaming for help! Now I am screaming, well, maybe hollering. HELP!
My husband has always wanted me to transfer the kids over to Corkscrew since technically it is actually closer to us and the A grade is something that is very important to us as parents. Though are kids do very well at Sabal Palm, why do others falter so much?
Take a look at the differences of these schools for a minute.
Sabal Palm Elementary: Grade C
Needy -58%
Estates Elementary: Grade B
Corkscrew Elementary: Grade A
Palmetto Elementary: Grade B
Non-English- 48%
You would think those numbers at Palmetto and Estates would result in a poorer score than Sabal? Though I am glad they are not. So what is wrong with Sabal? I need to know. And I would like some answers from the School Board on what they plan on doing about it?
And what do you think would happen if Seagate , Osceola, or even Vineyards received the letter C? Would the School Board do something about it? I bet they would.
Funny thing, Osceola Elementary (B school)needy (51%) and non-English(46%) numbers come pretty close to Sabal Palm Elementary numbers, so what gives? Is it the teachers? The front office? What?
I have a suggestion. Move some principals around even more, let's get the ball rolling this summer at these schools that are doing so poorly. Maybe the principal had been there long enough and is getting burnt out, I do not know, but there has to be something done. Personally, I am embarrassed.
And don't go back at me just because we live out here in The Estates, that those numbers are to be expected. Don't go there! From schools in town to ours, the numbers are close in many.
Let's make this a good site to bring ideas to the table so we can expect more from our Board and new superintendent. I plan to send this off to them today because I feel they need to make some drastic moves out here in The Estates before it's too late.
Take your A schools principals from Corkscrew, Tommie Barfield, Sea Gate, Naples Park, Laurel Oak, North Naples, Gulfview and the many more that stay consistent and put them to work at these schools that continue to spiral downward. That can bring on a huge challenge for them to bring these schools up. It may not be easy, I know, but certainly worth a shot!
Then take the schools that have consistently dropped and transfer that principal to the A school so they can work harder than ever to maintain that A. If it shows one year later they can not maintain the A school that has been so consistent over the years? Then you know that principal needs to move on. Simple as that!


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