Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update

February 22nd, 2011

Yesterday was the meeting on the Master Plan that Parks and Recreation represented to the County Commissioners. All I can say is I thought it went well, then I thought maybe not so well. Let's just say I was glad to see my box of Girl Scout thin mints untouched upon arriving home:)

The Master Plan was denied until further requests are put forth. All in all, I was a little set back by the fact that Parks and Recreation department who worked so hard on this plan and clearly did an outstanding job, got the raw end of the deal. The plan may not have stated "priority" enough for the parks but rather "needs" and maybe that's why this did not come together. But I did see that the focus groups clearly defined priorities in the plan. And gee, I wonder who came out ahead?

A Master Plan should recognize priorities as what is first, then second, and so on as monies come in. And clearly our park came out priority number one on this plan? But I and all of the Estates are the only one's who will admit that I guess. Everyone else in that room yesterday would never use the word "priority". Other words were used in a round about way because they just do not want to favor one commissioner over the other making it park politics. That's just too bad, it just delays us getting a park even longer.

Well, in "my opinion" the Master Plan should have been represented as it was without these extra recommendations. Or caveats as they were presented. That means warning or caution, am I right? Now these three caveats are not listed in the 10 year Master Plan Strategic Recommendations at the end of the Master Plan, but have since been added earlier this month when the master plan was unveiled.

These are the three caveats listed here.
1. That recommendations are not prioritizing according to importance.
2. Future capitol expenditures should be first directed towards completion of planned amenities within the existing park inventory before investing in a new park construction.
3. Consideration of the recommendations being consistent and compatible with surrounding neighborhoods.

As stated on my latest blogs, I disagree with adding these caveats, especially number two. It makes Commissioner Coletta as he stated, "paranoid", if they kept these added to the plan. What it reads in my mind is that our Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park would simply be placed on the back burner again.
On top of all that, the master plan apparently did not sit well with Commissioner Hiller. She motioned to have both The Estates and East Naples come together in a community wide or yet county wide meeting to be held for the fate of both Eagle Lakes Community Center and Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park. Fiala commended her on that idea. So two meetings on both ends will be scheduled in the near future.

At that point of the meeting I wanted to scream out, "Hello! Parks and Recreation did this already!"
Last year they held a focus group pertaining to this master plan. It was a group of many individuals throughout Collier County, including myself, brainstorming the wants and needs of our communities. It was a very organized and very informative event. Adding up all of the focus group facts, inventories, demographics, and financial's, I would say this master plan is a done deal! Let's go!

Apparent from the meeting, it is clear that the Eagle Lakes Community Center and Big Island Corkscrew Regional Park carry a huge importance on both communities and this plan. Another big reason why Parks and Recreation have to go back and bring back more results on figuring how they can do both. A good thing.

So from here on out, I will work with Commissioner Coletta and Commissioner Fiala on getting both done. I have my thoughts, want to read them?
#1- Build the Eagle Lakes Community Center with the possible $900,000 they will get from this Community Development Block Grant (CBDG).
#2-Sell Manatee Park land and split the profits down the middle for both parks. If it sells?
#3-Consider selling other park lands that may never be used and split those profits. If they sell?
#4-Start using the impact fees that Parks and Recreation gets now and start using the money to build the parks rather the use the money for debt reduction. Find other means to pay back the debt. How about charging us $1 for a parking sticker? or add $2 more bucks to the bed tax? or even sport leagues established throughout Collier; have league presidents add a $2 bucks to whichever sport families sign up for. Little things mean alot! And I would pay those!
Other, bigger ideas which was stated in the Master Plan:
#5- Municipal Services Benefit Unit (non ad‐valorem assessment)-MSBU

Example: $50 annual assessment per home would generate approximately $9.4 million. The $50 multiplied by the total number of residential housing units per 2010 tax roll. That's about how much the Big Island Regional Park would cost! But of course, finish Eagle Lakes with it too. I like this plan!
#6- Municipal Services Tax Unit (ad‐valorem based)-MSTU

Example: 0.1 mill would cost $10 per $100,000 of property value annually
Example: 0.1 mill from residential only would generate approximately $5.2 million annually per 2010 tax roll
Example: 0.1 mill from all land uses would generate approximately $6.0 million annually per 2010 tax roll.
So there you have it. Trust me, I could go on and on with tons more thoughts and ideas but you will end up getting bored and go click elsewhere so I shall stop now. Hopefully others on my blog will place some good ideas out there as well.
Good luck to Parks and Recreation on your endeavor, I hope you all can come through for everyone. And thank you for all your great work!
And you can find the Master plan here:, click on master plan minutes.


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