Estates Needs Five Acres For New Firestation

April 20th, 2011

A friend of mine just attached a link to The Estates Facebook page from the "Wink News Now" website on a video about the much needed fire-station out here in The Estates. The information on this site requests a five acre donation of land near the intersection of Golden Gate Boulevard and Everglades Boulevard. If the district can get the donation, they may receive a government grant. That grant could pay up to 90 percent of the million dollar cost to build and equip the new station. Do you have it? We need it!

It looks as though the Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association is going to try with helping the donation along as well. You can read this here or read and watch the video attachment I have below. Tim Nance with the association can also be contacted for the donation or any information at (239) 641-5414.

This is what is so great about our community coming together and the open line of communication we now have out here in The Estates. My friend posts this Wink News link to The Estates Facebook page which I maintain, then I go ahead and write a quick article and send it off to as many as 415 members of The Estates Community. Lucky us if one of those contacts can actually come through with a donation!

Here is the site for more info:

Next up on my to do list: A Neary Bio Hazard Company. One of the newest, then again, oldest companies out here in The Estates. That article coming your way soon!


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