The Estates Political Arena

August 26th, 2011

As my mom would put it, “Let's all simmer down for a minute!” Basically telling us we are all out of control and to settle down. So why do we continue back and forth politics on issues that are very important in the Golden Gate Estates area? A political spotlight over and over? Is this how this next years election is going to play out between Coletta and Nance?

What we need to focus on is what is important. The 1-75 overpass, redistricting maps, mobility plans, master plans, and so on. Not egos and arrogance, please.

I have come to the conclusion where I feel stuck in the middle. I personally have ventured into meetings at the GGEACA and HOAGGE seeking information that will lead our community in the right direction.

I enjoy these meetings very much and enjoy not only meeting new people but to be able to voice my opinion on "My Thoughts Exactly” the very issues that spark interest.

The main issue that has sparked with me lately is the Coletta/Nance election for District 5. It seems the political game has begun.

The article in today's paper about emailing 200 people to this meeting was looked at as a pep rally? I personally never looked twice at my email from Coletta in that respect, especially since I just received and email from GGEACA on Wednesday pertaining to this very same meeting and the importance of attendance. So I am confused?

I think we all need to take a step back and think about what steps we all plan to take in the future pertaining to the well being of the Golden Gate Estates area, without all this hoopla.
I plan to go to up and coming meetings at the GGEACA and HOAGGE. I plan on listening and learning as I have in the past, and I plan on hoping that no more lines will be drawn to divide us any further.

That is the path we are leading to now. I don't want to go there and neither do you. But unfortunately if politics continue to play out, the working together as a community will never come to light.
I want good leadership out here, we all do. But we also want a solid individual that will not take part in using poor tactics in any sense to gain a political move for this up an coming election. Whether anyone looks at that towards Coletta or Nance, that's your decision. I am sure many of you can probably come up with both sides. I will assume anyway.

Why can't we just work together? Why can't I, or anyone else for that matter, just speak up at these meetings when Coletta and Nance are present and just say, “Hey you two, let's sit down for awhile and hash out some serious issues and work out a solution for all of them” “Let's get some ideas from what the community wants, work with environmental groups and get us there?” “An Estates Business plan?”

Why not?

Unfortunately, I never speak up at these meetings, I am as quiet as a mouse. I have always been this way, taking it all in and bringing it all out in my writings. It works for me.

So I will end this with one more thought of the day. Why one earth does the School Board get elected county wide and the Commission do not? That alone does not make any sense to me. Doesn't the whole

Commission work for everyone in the County just as the School Board does? We need to change this. How can I change this? Do we need a referendum? Where can I get one? Pen please!

So with my little spur of the moment blog for today, I welcome your thoughts.


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