So Much to Talk About - So Little Time

October 13th, 2011

It seems so much is going on lately, I just do not know what story I want to focus on. I have so many thoughts spiraling in my head, I just decided to get it all out in one blog. Short and sweet, so I hope. Here goes.

Last night I had the pleasure of going to the 1-75 interchange meeting that turned out to not so pleasurable. It started off with great intentions with Brett Batten at the realm of moderator and Nancy Peyton giving her 20 minute spiel on the environmental side of it as Mr.Trebilcock took the reigns for 20 minutes for the "need" side of it. Which I feel we do need.

The meeting had some sour points which I think we all expected but really unnecessary. And yes,we have to consider the environmental side of it but we also have to think about the need side of it too. Do you realize that the last Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was done in 1972! Don't you think we need an update! I love the panthers but how much land do they need? And did you know there is 850,000 acres of land mass preserved already! Geez!

With last night said and done, we now need to leave it in the hands of State and Federal agencies. We need to allow them to do their job, get the study done, and move in a pace without the stress of some 55 environmental agencies and citizens breathing down their necks! What I witnessed last night, it's not working. What needs to be done is a meeting of discussion, not debates, or heck, nothing at all! Updates are good, but meetings like this, no good.

Next, the ATV situation. I will have to agree a promise is a promise but I still have a hard time with the Commission promising land to ATV folks that were using private lands to begin with. And for the lawsuit settlement of $3 million dollars going on to find land that may never be? Then the Commission passes ATV-ban law on county preserves now? I don't know what to think anymore but it's certainly quite the headache the County has taken on.

If the land never comes, do any of you have an interest in using the money for a Regional Park so your family and friends can have extra-curricular activities? I just thought I would throw that in! :)

"Rumor" has that another meeting was held earlier in the day about negotiations amongst the School Board and fire commission. You remember that 5 acre property that sits on Everglades Blvd in front of Palmetto Elementary School? The one the School District wanted us to pay $300,000 for? Yes, that one. And remember this quote from the Wink News website that our Golden Gate Fire Chief Robert Metzger made some time ago?

"Maximize tax resources, resources that already have been paid in someway by taxpayers."
Like I said, rumor has it, no detail or specifics as of yet. We cannot be allowed negotiations for land we have already paid for. This county needs to work together and it seems lately we are growing apart and it's time we start to really look into our actions. All of us!

Lastly, school lunches. As much as we have been trying to make these lunches more nutritious, we will not get anywhere with nutrition if schools continue to "sell" unhealthy snacks like ice cream, chips, and whatever junk they have to offer. Do you know how many times I bust my kids when I go on Pay Pams and see what they bought? Too many times! A cookie here, a chip there, not only adds up in my pocket book, but fills my kids up with junk. I prefer to control that from the house and not have to worry about it at their schools.

And that's all folks! Have a great day!


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