Egos and Arrogance

January 30th, 2012

I was talking to my husband this morning about the people in the world today. I have come into a "blip" in my life where I feel very uneasy. Uneasy enough to cause anxiety I so strongly oppose.
For the past few weeks, I have been very much consumed in the lives of people absorbed by their very own egos and arrogance. I said to my husband that overall, the world is truly made up of mostly really good people. People that are true not only to themselves but to others. I bring that percentage around 85%.

Then there is that 15% lately that has consumed a bit of me this last couple of weeks. Those are some folks that have there heads so far up there butts, they can't see the light of day. Then the rest of that 15% are the ones that just seem to hate life in general and as my sister would say, "They don't give a rat's a--!"

I see myself in that thankful 85% along with the rest of my family. We care for one another, give to others, help when a person is in need, give back to those who could really use it, and just enjoy life and everyone in it. We get it.

The reason I feel this way today is a few things that have come up lately that I can no longer ignore, I had to sit here and write them down. Maybe you can help me get past this with some words of wisdom or just be here to read it. Either way, I need to get it out.

Egos have been observed through my eyes lately and I cannot understand why these people cannot see it for themselves. Do they know they are talked of? Don't they understand when we come together and discuss certain events, we all must uphold are responsibilities agreed upon like everyone else? Not to turn around and go the other way because they feel it will benefit them more? But in return, it just makes them look more and more like a jacka--? And they can't see it? I don't get it. And you know what? Sometimes I wonder if these are the types running our country? And I am not talking about Obama either, just to let you know.

Then we have the young. The audacity of certain juveniles as they try step over just a few too many boundaries amongst other kids much younger, smaller, and now, as they say, "white".
Are you kidding me? I have to deal with kids now that look at white kids and declare them as "white boys" since they stand out so prominent in this Hispanic group? And these kids are the ones that may represent us in the community further down the road? The ones my kids are supposed to look up to in this group?

That my friend is downright harassment, bullying, and pure arrogance amongst our young. Maybe that's why I am so uptight as I am right now. Maybe I should have waited another day to write. But no, this is when you get me at my best. All wound up and only a keyboard to pound on.
Lastly, I could not help notice at the Swamp Buggy races yesterday the many young parents with their very young babies and toddlers, as they drank and smoked away to no end, even before noon. A total disgrace.

I am a people observer, we all are, but what do you do in circumstances such as this? You know you cannot control it. Do you just say a prayer for them and move on? Whisper a little something in their ear as you stroll by? I don't know.

One thing is for sure, I am very grateful of that 85% I do so much care about as they so much care about me. These are my friends, family, and acquaintance that understand what life is all about. They get the fact that life is not all about them, but about their families and their future. They give back and offer themselves when needed. And we all know, they are the ones dearly loved by others. And a big thank you Jesus for them!

Amen! I feel better already!


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