My Thoughts and Holiday To-Do's

December 1st, 2010

So much to write about today, my head is spinning. I do not plan to focus on one subject but just a few. So here goes!

In the paper this morning about the maniac killing the bear. Now that is enough to want to make me go over there and shoot him myself. The picture in the paper of this guy was evil and it's very unfortunate to the bear and to his family.

Lucky Me! This morning after two days, Mama Hen Daisy returns! I cannot imaging where she went? Maybe her chicks got on her nerves. Also, the injured rooster Poochy is much better, now eating and having to stay in the pen by himself as the rest of the family roams.

I need to get rid of two roosters if anyone that wants to use them for a sire only, I would be grateful. I would describe them as Partridge Plymouth Rock roosters. They are only four months old and beautiful. But I cannot have this fighting anymore and of course I cannot hand them over as a winner, winner, chicken dinner either!

Getting excited about date night with my hubby Dan next Monday! Every year we pick a day of shopping and dinner. It's a great night out and alot of fun trying to buy for four boys. Yikes!
Also in the paper today is the exciting Christmas Parade scheduled for next week Tuesday December 7th at 6pm. Haven't missed one yet!

I also saw in the paper about gingerbread house workshops at the local libraries and it's FREE! But you have to go online at

Yeah, and the never missed Bonita boat parade will be held December 11th off the Imperial River. We have a great spot we go to every year and have never missed that either!
The 2010 Candle Light Service will be held this December 12th from 5p-8p at St. John the Evangelist at 625 111th Ave. North. Anyone who attends brings a pot-luck dish and a gift for the giving tree for the underprivileged kids in Immokolee. I will also be selling my coin album Heaven Cent as well which was a great hit last year.

Then on December 15th is the The Estates Civic Christmas Party. I have since joined this past year and still feel oddly out of place. Maybe my age? I truly do enjoy the meetings though, very interesting.
I hope lastly other than the actual Christmas Eve and Christmas is the LIVE NATIVITY which is taking place at our church St. Agnes on Saturday Dec. 18 after the 4pm Mass. I am hoping to help out on that one too.

No wait, I forgot, one more! Dec 20th is the 2010 Holiday Party & Chef of the Year Dinner at Twin Eagles. That should be fun, my hubby actually gets to attend it instead of hosting it like he does every year. Last time my hubby won the Chef Culinarian of the Year award was 2004. I told you he's good!
And since all of you see my calender and think when I will be home and when I won't in case you want to rob all the fake jewelry and the billions we have cemented under the house? Well, I always have someone home, two viscous attack dogs, one wild and rabid cat, 7 chickens that will attack upon request, four Cockatiels that will peck your eyes out, one old old dog that can literally pee on you, a burglar alarm that will bring you down on your knees and every house on the block is a cop with cameras! So good luck on that thought!

And one last thing. A very big "Thank You" to Mr. Fike at Cypress Palm Middle School for all the things you do!

Take Care and Happy Holidays!


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