Opportunity Knocks!

Looks like the Estates community here in Collier County is moving in the right direction. Well, let’s hope anyway.  A direction for future growth of Eastern Collier County. Looks like we’ll all be digging real deep into transportation, infrastructure, environmental impacts, water management, and very important,  economic development of the areas. Or simply saying, how do we want to see the future of this area turn out?  Do you want it branded similar to Fort Lauderdale or a rural and carefully planned area with great taste.  I vote for the latter.

Heck, we are getting two 7-11′s out here that bought out E’s and G’s.  I plan on contacting 7-11 just to see if they can possibly make the 7-11′s a little more special.  A homey,country feel like Cracker Barrel. Could be the first! Ya never know! ;)

Recently, well, maybe not so recently, our Commissioners here in Collier County have decided it’s time to look into four areas most affected out here in the boonies in which I reside. The Board of County Commissioners voted to spend $1.2 million over four years to update the Golden Gate Area Master Plan, the Immokalee Area Master plan, the Rural Lands Stewardship Area and the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District.

So with that said, a new committee is being formed, all in which will be volunteer, brought together as an Advisory Board thru Collier County Government.  This committee and what they are focusing on is stated below.  You can also find the online application to apply.  Deadline for applying is September the 3oth.  Yours truly also applied, but I am stressing to those many leaders throughout Collier County to do the same.  I hate to see the same ole same ole blood on this Board.  We need more variety as board members.  Keeping the egos and arrogance at home.  That just causes dire stress amongst any board.  Trust me, I see it every day. (Blah!)

The positions read;
The Growth Management Oversight Committee seeks applications for the following available seats on this committee: one member from each of the following four geographic areas of study – the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, the Golden Gate Estates and Golden Gate City area (combined), the Rural Land Stewardship Area, and the Immokalee Urban Area (the sub-area members must be either residents of, own property in, or have a business interest within one of the four referenced areas); and three at-large members who may reside anywhere in Collier County. This newly-established committee was created to assist the Board of County Commissioners in facilitating the public review of the four sub-area/master plans within the Growth Management Plan. Members shall serve until the completion of the project.

Here is the link to the application.

Fill out as follows and use the drop down under Board or Committee and click on Growth Management Oversight Committee. Fill out the rest as you see fit.  But as we all should also know, there is no benefit whatsoever from this position.  You are doing this solely for the citizens of this area and the future of Collier County.  “Special interests” need not apply.  ;)
Oddly enough, and I still have to get in contact the County as I type, but the day I mentioned about signing up at a board meeting, I decide to come home and look it up under the Advisory Board menu. It was there when I looked, but the next day it disappeared.  Why is that?

See for yourself.  It’s no longer posted where it was.

With that said, it pretty much bugs the heck out of me when circumstances like what I just wrote, happens.  So I again will reiterate what I have recently posted on my Facebook page  when John Cox was let go.
 ~Welcome to Collier County and their controlling ways. Secret meetings with no community input will always rule this town. I am so over stuff like this. It’s becoming an epidemic due to the fact that egos and arrogance will always conquer the minds of the heartless white collared execs. Yeah, the ones that you think you should respect, but deep down, they feel nothing for you. You are nobody to them. And honestly, they don’t know much either, other than themselves and steering the minds of those who listen to their bologny. Welcome to society people! It’s just going to get worse, unfortunately. As a strong minded woman like myself, as is John S. Cox, a strong wonderful individual, we will continue to be pushed until those specific community members make damn sure they get it their way or you get the highway!

Okay, I feel better letting that out again. :)

I do hope Kris Van Lengen, the Growth Management Restudy Project Manager of this project oversees each application carefully and Commissioners decide who is best for the fit.  Now mind you, this is a pretty big deal and you must take this position very seriously if you apply, let alone get a seat.  It will also be under the Sunshine Law, which I find utterly ridiculous. I see no benefit from that whatsover.  But it is what it is.  Then again it may not have to be, huh?  I suppose we can ask Attorney General Pam Bondi her take on this?

Below are the four areas this committee will be focused on.  I am so excited about it because I have been telling people for years, we all need to come together under one roof, at one table, and hash this all out.  Looks like it’s happening!  Woop woop!  I should also thank Commissioner Tim Nance as well, he has worked effortlessly on it and it’s great that it’s finally coming together.

The four areas will be placed in this order and worked thru as they go.  You can get an idea of the areas from what they call, The Green Map. You can find that here.


1. Rural Fringe Mixed Use District- RFMUD- Begins Oct 2015, lasts one year. As written, the RFMUD provides a transition between the urban and estate lands and between the RLSA  and conservation land farther to the east.

You can read up more on the RFMUD. This is just one link.  There is so much more on this, just Google.


Along with this area is what they call TDR program or Transfer of Development Rights.  A very much a pain in the butt program in my eyes.  You can read the background on that here;


2. Golden Gate Master Plan- Begins April 2016.  Or basically saying, how are we going to factor in what’s urban, what’s rural, and what’s the Estates?

Let me know if you can make it thru all 53 pages without saying, “Holy Smokes!”

3. Rural Land Stewardship Area- RLSA- As written on the Conservancy website, this program was adopted in 2002 as part of the comprehensive growth management plan.  Here again, the TDR program stated above was also implemented into this program.  Plans to protect resources, curtail sprawl, and accommodate appropriate growth in the rural areas of the county. This is the third plan that will kick in and work together and continue to work with the first two plans. Then Immokalee will kick in.

Here’s that link;
That should take you about a good week to read up on.  Very interesting though.  Hope you all are following me still.  Most likely not.  If you are reading this far, you must be interested.  :)

4. Immokalee Master Plan.  Now we all know they do have a plan in order, but for them to be last on the list?  They are going to be mad!  Yes, they have their own master plan in the works, but this breakdown pretty much shows you it’s all about the money, now doesn’t it?  Well, that’s my take on it.  Either way, not only is just Immokalee itself in this plan, but the Town of Ave Maria is and other potential for areas surrounding.

You can read up on that here.  All 75 pages nicely done by FGCU.

All in all,  and I am sure we all agree at this point in my blog, enough has been written and that this is a great plan to move forward. A great plan to not only bring these four areas as one, but to make darn sure the community is informed and part of the process as well.
Community pinned on noticeboard
Community is key and I love every bit of mine!


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