I want that $3 million ATV money!

January 29, 2016

Good Morning,

I decided there were so many things to write about in our area of District 5, that I just figured I would write one by one about the many happenings.  Just so many!!

As we all know, Commissioner Nance will no longer hold the post this come November and I am really concerned about who will take the helm thereafter. It’s actually freaking me out!  So I need to throw my thoughts out there and try to get some stuff moving along or at least let you know how I feel about them.

First of all, I want that $3 million ATV money the county has been holding onto for much too long.  I wrote this post below on my Estates site this morning to all the community members.  My site is 1,624 members strong and growing every day.  Everyone wants to keep tabs on what the hell is going to happen out here and I do my best to let them know.  Here is the link if interested.

This mornings post;
Good Morning Estates!
Well, I am just going to put this out here. I want to ask all of you about how you feel about reconsidering any ATV park. Would you be willing to let go of any promises and help me relocate the money to our new park that will be built in the near future? The Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park.

Let me give you a brief history.
Back in 2003, yes 13 years ago, all local ATV riders were kicked off Picayune Strand for an Everglades restoration project. In 2011, a settlement was reached and $3 million bucks now sits in the bank while we keep looking for land, which in my opinion, will never be found. Commissioner Nance promised this park to be found, yet to no avail. And now he will be leaving his seat come November.

Then a few months ago, this pilot program was kicked out there with the use of some of that money. The county offered interested Collier residents four free tickets a month per vehicle to at least two nearby off-road parks, Lazy Springs Recreation Park, at the southeastern edge of Lehigh Acres, and Croom Motorcycle Park, off I-75 about 40 miles north of Tampa. More parks and tickets may be added the program over the coming months, depending on demand.

So how is the demand? Anyone take this offer yet? I want to know.

So I ask you to please give up on the ATV park and allow me to petition, or us to petition, (I will head it up), and take the $3 million and put it towards our future park here in the Estates.  I really want to try and do this before the next Commissioner attempts to do something else with it. Forget promises. In this county, those words are worthless.

Please give me some feedback and think about letting go of the grudges and promises, and let’s try to move forward with this.
-Annette Kniola

So there you have it!
Okay Tim Nance, Barry Williams, Steve Carnell, Amanda Townsend,  and all the rest of ya, I want that $3 million bucks!  Now hand it over! :)


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