
January 6, 2016

 Happy New Year 2015!  (Yeah, I know it’s 2016 now. Duh! I  should have this written last week for goodness sakes!~  Lol!)
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
April  Fools!  And Easter too!
Happy  Mothers Day!
Happy Fathers Day!
Happy Fourth of July!
Not a damn thing in August unless you celebrate watermelon and s’mores day.(So stupid).
Happy Labor Day! And 9/11 observed.
Happy Halloween!  Or Happy Birthday to me! (Same day).
Happy Thanksgiving!
Merry Christmas!
There, all done.  Lol!

This is the second year I have tried the old yearly recap and I like the idea.  Last years “2014″ was an interesting one and to be honest with you, each year will grow more interest I am sure.  Here is “2014″.

I will start off with saying, “Holy Smokes!”  2015 was one helluva ride!  A very fun and interesting one as well.  And yep, still single and loving every minute of it. ;)
So just like last year, let’s start off with January.  The year seemed to have started out quite smoothly.  This month was the camping trip to Peace River Campground to bring in the New Year and my son’s big “18″ birthday.  Yay!
Daniel 18
Daniel “18″

February was the month I had decided to get the heck out of town and get some alone time.  So I headed to my brothers in Fort Lauderdale.  I met a nice guy over there who has since taken me on many journeys.  Yes, still in that open relationship, let’s just keep it that way. Boyfriend not necessary at this time.  :)
Happy Birthday to my sweet Ben in February.  Turned the big “12″!!
Matthew and Benjamin

At the end of February I found myself in Vegas and enjoying every bit of it.  This friend of mine loves to travel and can pretty much travel anywhere.  So what the heck, I’ll go too!

Then Fifty Shades of Grey came out.  Whew!  I saw that and just had to write about it.  It was one of my naughtiest blogs.

By now, I was having a great time, still working part time and enjoying the boys.  But then something strange started to occur over the next few months and I couldn’t shake it.  People were starting to look and act differently towards me.  Saying mean and cruel things. I started to get very depressed because I could not understand why.  So I wrote about it.  It’s called, “My Love Runs Red.”  That took alot out of me to write but it was something that needed to be addressed.

Moving forward into March, my second one in line, Nickolas just had to break his arm for the third time!  Good Lord!
If you recall from last years blog, this is my son who unfortunately was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as well.  Bones tend to break a little easier too.  But either way, it’s all working out.  I just suck at the whole diet regiment. It’s not easy to maintain, let alone the poor kid has to take four shots of insulin a day. :(
Mom and I
Me and Mom on Easter

April was a really fun month!  After a really nice Easter, I got to go to San Diego!  My friend had a conference there, so he invited me.  I never had so much fun!  I toured every inch of that coast and did as much as I could while there.  Hanging out with the seals was quite interesting too.  (And no, I never touched them if you’re wondering).
May was a great month. A big congratulations Daniel Kniola ! Class of 2015!  Yes, my son Daniel graduated from Palmetto Ridge High.  Yay!  Daniel now attends college.  Getting ready for his second semester.  Proud Mama.  :)
I love this picture!

The beginning of June came and I was hit with an interesting blow.  Won’t go into details other than to say my divorce was justified.

School was out now, so I actually had more time to myself. The kids got to spend more time with their Dad. Yes, I know I went on a couple of trips, but summer split is 50/50 rather than the 80/20 throughout the school year.  Being honest, having that one week to myself around the house is very strange.  I don’t like it.  I always had to go visit them or take them out for ice cream.  I don’t think I will ever get used to it until they grow up and move away.  Love my boys!

Can’t forget Nick as my new 15 year old in June!  A redneck birthday it was.  Still can’t believe I filmed this in my garage.  Lol!

Then the day came I got to go to Paris!
Day in P
What a blast!

July came and I had a great time with the boys Fourth of July.  My sister always has great parties at her house.  This time it was bigger than usual.  I counted 95 ppl!  That’s insane!  I don’t think she’ll ever do that again.  Crazy!!
July 4
Here’s more of the boys on their yearly trip to the keys with their Dad in July.
The boys with their cousin Chance
Nick Fish
Nick getting swallowed up!
Dan Fish
Daniel feeding the hungry tarpon.


Kniola Boys
I hope these video clips from Facebook works for you.  Maybe only to those who have an account. Will have to see.

My goodness!  Is August here yet?  I don’t think I mentioned it, but since the beginning of this year, I continued to deal with my stolen identity.  It’s unreal what you have to go thru to prove yourself.  To the whole world mind you.

With August comes school right around the corner. Thank God! One last trip with the boys as we headed to Fort Myers Beach.  That was alot of fun!  Unfortunately, my oldest had to work.
Nick FMThree boysThreeME and NIckpier
We did have one heck of a summer but mine didn’t end yet!  I was invited to go on another trip! This time London!  Whoop!  Whoop!  Didn’t write about that one, can’t say why.  Crazy busy I guess.
Big Ben
September was a very chill-axing month. Getting back to a normal routine was great.  All four boys in school, including my oldest off to his first year in college.  Unreal, huh?  Where does the time go?
This month my son bought a new car and is beginning to realize what debt really is.  Lol!  Thankfully he has parents to guide him throughout that journey of a promising future.  At least we’ll try anyway.
Daniel Car
October was an interesting month.  Lot’s of stuff going on this time of year.  Also the time of year I get ready for the holidays! Yay!  My favorite time of the year.
Homecoming was a very interesting. Won’t go into details on that other than to say, kids are not easy!!
My two oldest with cousins and friends
Staying alive!
Good ole “47″ I turned on Halloween.
We also got a little silly and had to make a video.  We all agree, we need to start doing our stupid videos again.  Here’s our latest called Blob Massacre. Too funny!

November a bit overwhelming and the hardest month by far.  I think it is most trying for anyone really.  Especially with the holidays right around the corner.  This month I will have to admit, I wasn’t feeling all that groovy anymore.  Maybe with stress comes illness, I don’t know.  And having no insurance didn’t help matters either.

Happy Birthday to my youngest Matthew.  The BIG “10″!     We enjoyed having a bunch of his friends over for a Kniola Kamp-Out.  Pure mayhem it was! :)
Thanksgiving I lasted for a short time with family.  Enough to get this picture in.  Stayed most of the day in bed with the flu. ( I have used this picture alot in my recent blogs because it’s so sweet!)
Thanksgiving 2015
Thanksgiving 2015
On top of not feeling too well, I was in the midst of refinancing the house.  What a total nightmare that was dealing with PNC.  God help my soul.  I hope to never have to do that again.  But now I have to realize I am solo on everything and it’s time to revise the ole will.

I did manage to squeeze in a relaxing trip to Vegas though.  Can’t pass that up now could I?  Lol!
This is also the month I wrapped up my part time job.  The position was screaming for a full time position and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.  My boys are more important and I went ahead and moved on since.  Plan to work out of the home doing something new.  And yes, if you are wondering, I still have my real estate license  :)
Great friend Sam on last day of work
Oh, and I finally got my braces off!  Whoopee!!
I had alot of fun wrapping up the year 2015.  The boys and I managed to get the house and shopping completed pretty much by the beginning of the month.  I of course had to decorate like a mad woman as I always have.  Pretty much start right after Halloween.
I also took my first bike ride with the SWFL Critical Mass group out of Fort Myers.  Friend Rob founded it and has over 1,000 members on Facebook alone.  Great ride!
Annette bike
Yes, I finally got to close on the house mid month.  Just had to finally give them some blood to do it.  And honestly, I am a person with great credit.  I still am shaking my head on that whole ordeal.
The holidays have come and gone so quick, so I will go ahead and finish up this month with some pictures of great memories.
Mom and xmas
Mom and Grand-kids Xmas Eve
Bruces party
Sister Mary, brother Bruce, and Me
Daniel Christmas
Me and Daniel
Boys xmas
Boys Christmas morning
can opener
I got my can opener! It’s all I wanted. Thanks Mom!
2015 christmas
Merry Christmas from the Kniolas!
Thank you to all of my readers who enjoy my blog. I did push alot more pictures in this year and links to some of my blogs.  I am sure you didn’t mind.  Oh, and by the way, I got insurance January 1st.  Amen to that!
Looking forward to 2016!


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