Red Light Green Light
So, first thing this morning, I get pulled over. 🚔 The next thing you know, I had helicopters over my head, literally landing down in front of me, squad cars screeching in, guns drawn... Absolute insanity! 😲 (Okay, kidding...Lol! 🤣 Got your attention though, didn't I? For good reason...) Let's revert; So I get pulled over because I was going through a yellow light shortly after it turned green. The cop was very kind and explained what I'm doing is basically going through a red light. He said as soon as I see it turn yellow, doesn't mean I can cross over the white line and say to myself, "Yes, I made it!" He went on to say there's been too many fatalities recently and we all need to learn. Teaching me, so to speak. I told him I do it all the time, and I do! But never a red light, I always see yellow above my head. He said everybody does, but we have to learn the rule. Once you see it yellow, doesn't mean you can continue on. That means...