Red Light Green Light

So, first thing this morning, I get pulled over. 🚔 The next thing you know, I had helicopters over my head, literally landing down in front of me, squad cars screeching in, guns drawn... Absolute insanity! 😲

(Okay, kidding...Lol! 🤣  Got your attention though, didn't I? For good reason...)

Let's revert;

So I get pulled over because I was going through a yellow light shortly after it turned green. The cop was very kind and explained what I'm doing is basically going through a red light. He said as soon as I see it turn yellow, doesn't mean I can cross over the white line and say to myself, "Yes, I made it!" He went on to say there's been too many fatalities recently and we all need to learn. Teaching me, so to speak.

I told him I do it all the time, and I do!  But never a red light, I always see yellow above my head. He said everybody does, but we have to learn the rule. Once you see it yellow, doesn't mean you can continue on. That means stop, not glide through.😬

I handed over my insurance and registration, he checked my record, then told me I have an amazing driving record and said to have an amazing day!

$300 saved! Alleluia!  😁


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