
First and foremost I want to wish all the fathers a Happy Father's Day! 

I recently took a trip to Wyoming. I went because there was good reasoning behind it. I needed to find a place where I could actually breathe. I don't feel well anymore. So I looked up the cleanest and best state for air quality, and it was Wyoming!  So off I went, and wow, what a difference it made.  Coming back here was daunting. When I did, I feel breathless once again. 😞

And so many asked why I was going there via Facebook. This is what I wrote back in a post. And I tell you, being alone may not be all that great, but doing something for yourself may be that much greater. 

I wrote;

So many of you ask why I'm here?  This is why...

"In the midst of the complexities of modern life, with all its pressures, the spirit of man/woman needs to refresh itself by communion with unspoiled nature. In such surroundings- occasional as our visits may be- we can achieve that kind of physical and spiritual renewal that comes alone from the wonder of the natural world."
~Laurance S. Rockefeller

I'll add to that quote...
" And I breathe so much easier!" 😊

Moving forward, this all began even more so this past January. I became ill just like everyone else in Naples. It was a nasty respiratory problem, flu like symptoms, and what have you.  Well, my respiratory systems have yet to go away and my white cell counts hover a little high, so somethings up. My body is fighting something.  Though doctors don't know.  My cell counts may be high but the rest of me is fine, thankfully. They also say stress and life in general can cause this as well.

Then there's my voice. It's horrible. I am very raspy and my throat is always irritable. I suck on cough drops to no end. There is something here in Southwest Florida that is preventing me from feeling normal. I'm back to using my inhaler twice a day, along with my nebulizer treatment twice a day, all since January.  I have always had these needs in case my bronchitis or whatever the hell it is, comes back.  Well, it's back and I don't know what to do.

Yes, I have gone to the doctors, especially my Pulmonologist, but they are stumped too. I did a recent study for them for my breathing and got paid!  Never been a guinea pig before. It was a clinical trial for a new inhaler. It seemed to work fine, but most inhalers, in my opinion, irritate your throat.  I try my best to limit it, but then again, I really can't do that either.  When I was in Wyoming, I never once needed the nebulizer, and used the inhaler once as we headed up to 8600 feet in Yellowstone.  Sweet, huh?  Just look at my Facebook post the very first day I got there. My voice and my health was a total transformation!

So what is causing this?  Well, I keep going back to the red tide, green algae, pollen, and now maybe I am thinking it's mold.  A couple years ago, even prior to Irma, I had a leak in my master bathroom from a very tight crevice on my roof.  I had someone fix it shortly after Irma, but either way, I am beginning to think there's more to this. So I have since hired out my carpenter to come and start gutting a couple walls in my bathroom where the leak occurred. I was going to go ahead and do a mold test with a company but I want to try this first.  Black mold was clearly noticeable when the leak occurred. Just a small spot.  But it could be a much larger area I am unable to see.  And the fact that this is my master bedroom, which now I think may really be my death chamber.

I want you to click on this link and read an article about another lady with Lyme Disease had many issues, and she also took a huge leap and left here home to find air.  So it's real. Absolutely justified.

Family is on the road for “extreme avoidance” of toxic mold

After reading this article and even if I do get a grip on the possibility of mold, will it turn my health around?  Will I feel good again? Will I be able to go work out, have the energy and have the wonderful ability to breathe again?  Let alone, will my voice ever come back?  God,I can't even imagine if it doesn't. You know I love to talk, lol!

If it turns out it's not mold and it's simply the tropical climate, then I really may have to make some serious changes in my life.  It's apparent I will not be retiring here, that's for sure. More than likely I would be leaving the state altogether. Not necessarily Wyoming, just somewhere North. I am going up to Martha's Vineyard end of July to see a friend, and again, curious as to see how I feel. I may squeeze another state or two closest to Florida, and go from there.  What makes this sad, is I would have to split up my boys. That thought is so sad.😥 But I know I can't live like this anymore, and thankfully most of you would understand.

We shall see!


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