I’m a Democrat. So Shoot Me!
March 6, 2016 Yadda, yadda, yadda… Yes, I can already hear my Naples readers squirming in their seats. Lol! Whatever! I have been out for awhile for good reasons, but hell, I might as well come back with a…… Just can’t seem to help myself anymore with this insanity that’s going on daily over the news. Yes, I am talking about the Presidential campaign. As most of you know, I say it like it is, and really don’t give a rats ass what most think. Now mind you, we all have our differences in this world and I am very thankful to be very much a part of it, but this election is killing me! I call it a Trump Virus and I want nothing to do with it. A virus is a small infectious agent(man) that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms (voters). Viruses can infect all types of life forms(Democrats and Republicans). I have had numerous thoughts and still see our world has alot of good in some aspects, yet poor in others....