Just 41 Votes!

Ya think it took me long enough to write since the election?  Ya think I went into a closet to hide?
Nope!  It just took me this long to finally write to you!  And I’m glad I am.  I miss writing. This past year has really put a damper on my writing life.  I keep saying I’m back, but then where do I keep going?  Lol!

Today’s blog title is called “Just 41 Votes.”  Yes, that was the number that was the fate to my becoming the next Fire Commissioner for Big Corkscrew Fire District.  Though seeing my counterpart Chris Crossan win another term was well worth it.  I’m perfectly fine that I did not win, surprised a little, but fine.  But I also need to vent to you a little  here as well.  So this is my venting blog too. :)

Ya wanna know why?  Because sweet ole Annette played a very clean, very honorable campaign.  But now we have all come to realize that’s not how it’s supposed to work if you really want to win.  Sad but true.  And I must remember, money donations from outside your district will win you the seat as well, without one red cent backing you from your own community.  That speaks volumes right there.  Scary but true.

Dirty politics and lies may also win you a seat anywhere in this county.  This country for that matter. And God forbid if you are a Democrat.  If you haven’t noticed, I don’t think even one Democrat made the election throughout this county or Florida for that matter.  Why is that?  Do all of you seriously look at the individual and see if there is a R or a D behind their names and chose that way?  Or do you look at that individual as a whole and see if they are really worthy?  I vote the latter.

I say I may be fine, but you all know me too.  I call it like I see it and since the election has come and gone, now I can play dirty too! Lol!  But really, should I have come out with this information about my opponent Richard Hoffman during the election?  No, I couldn’t because I wanted to show my kids you can win an election by being honest and true without all that political hocus pocus. Guess I was wrong.

So this is what our new Fire Commissioner, Richard Hoffman, is all about.

-You chose someone from the community that is a Republican (which should not matter).

-You chose someone who continuously lied to the people at the polls saying he was endorsed by both the Republican and Democratic parties.  Even had it printed up on his flyers.  And truth to be told, he was endorsed by the Republican party only. I was chosen by the Democratic Party.  I actually called him out on that during election day and he got so flustered he had to leave.  He knew I was right.

-You chose a man who compared himself to me on his flyers he sent.  I was shown as a unworthy person with no education, no life, and no civic involvement.  I think you all know me better than that.

-You chose a man that does not come to meetings. And the meetings he did come to, he told me he had no idea what he was getting himself into.  He said he never expected all of these meetings as he appeared clearly tired and flustered over every aspect of what could be his future job.

-You chose a man who has given back nothing nor participated in anything our community has to offer.

-You chose a snowbird.  He may have said he has lived here for full time these past 8 years or more, but again, not true.  As of 2013, he just became a full time resident per his trim notices.   He and his wife moved here full time just this past year from New York.

-You chose someone who works out of Collier County without an occupational license.  Yes, that’s right!  He is working illegal!  He even advertised himself through the Naples Daily News interview and said he was semi retired, but still runs Tax Clinic.com here out of Collier County.  Take a look on his site, especially at the Jewish Proverb. “Taxes Grow without Water.”  It should read, “Taxes grow because I don’t pay any!”  


Now go click on the Collier County link below and then click Business Tax Receipts.  He does not exist!


So tell me, should I have played this throughout the campaign?  Should I have called him out? Isn’t this fraud?

Hey, it was just 41 votes, and ya still can’t beat that!  I will say, I had one hell of a good time campaigning.  Not only was it an experience for me, but for my kids too.  We had a great time and I cannot thank you all enough for the support you gave as we enjoyed every minute of it.

Until 2016….;)


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