All Trumped Out!

So are you over it or what?  Have you come to the conclusion our new President is a nut case and hopefully they can find a way to impeach him? 

I'm dead serious.

Just read this recent tweet by a Trump analyst Daniel Dale;

So true.  

By the way, a gaffe is a blunder.  And yes, many Americans have become numb.  Wanna know why?  Because they voted for him and are too much in shock to realize what a horrible mistake they made.

Reminds me of that blog I wrote some time ago.  No, not a blunder, but the fact that he's insulting and crazy.  Go ahead and read it.  
I'm a Democrat. So shoot me!

And the lies folks!  Can you believe there is actually a list in detail, showing true lies versus the real facts.  All 129 of them as of March 17, 2017.  Again, Daniel Dale doing a fine job keeping us informed.  You should follow him on Twitter and learn a few things.  Lol!

Here's the site to all the lies;
Trump's 129 lies and counting! 

To those who did vote for Trump; "What are you truly thinking?"  Are you just curious to see how these "so called" big changes will affect your lives? Are you oddly excited about it?  Funny thing is, you more than likely are the folks who went through some serious financial troubles way back when. On your own account, mind you. Luckily walking out without a scratch. Maybe just a poor credit score now. Whoopty doo.😑  Yet you don't mind seeing the ones who truly need such help, go without?  

Why is that?

Well, I will abandon your thought process and write about a few of the 62 agencies Trump wants to cut. Cuts just so he can build that big wall he promised you weren't supposed to pay for.  Add on to that military and build you more ships and fighter jets we didn't ask for.  Preparing for World War 3 is more like it.  Psycho president similar to Bush that needs a war under his belt just to make him feel like a REAL MAN. 


You do understand this is what's it's all about, don't you?  I'm telling you, this guy has some serious mental issues and so many of you are succumbed to it.

Why is that?

Some of these 62 agency cuts I clearly understand.  Especially the Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund. This fund provides help for unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs worldwide. I never could understand why the US always has to be the one who dishes out most of the money.  It should be internationally pooled.

But let's get real. We are human and we do have compassion.  Well, I know I do anyway.  But where is the compassion when it comes to cutting 14 million folks on medicaid, meals on wheels (not in it's entirety), HEAD start for or PreK families, low income energy assistance, and so on. Yeah, let's keep those single moms home so they can't work. Let's throw granny a few blankets while her so called social security will cover the rest of her daily expenses.


Lastly, repealing Obamacare.  Sorry folks, but this new outlined American Health Care Act will have us worse off.  Yes, after my divorce, I needed health insurance and Obamacare was too expensive.  So I had to go without.  Finally after much needed push due to my income, I got Obamacare and the help I needed when sick.  If that is taken away and replaced by this new program, I'm out.  I could never afford it because not only would I need a whole new policy, but it plans to push the policies 20% higher.  So if I ever do get sick like I did last year?  I would have no other choice but to sell the house.  

Sadly, not only do we have a President that is nuts, but clearly the compassion in this country no longer exists. 😟


  1. Stop watching CNN & MSNBC. You are the one that has become brainwashed!

  2. I don't think so brother. It's all facts my dear. :)

  3. I agree with TheAirman143, you have been brainwashed by the Liberal Media. Getting your facts from Daniel Dale of the The Washington Star, you might get more accurate reporting from the National Enquirer. Yes the country has lost its compassion, its patients, and is fed up with the Lying, corrupt Liberal SnowFlakes. So what did we the working class do, we voted for Trump to clean up this mess. A President that actually tells the truth, something the Washington Politicians and the Media are not used to. THAY CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. I can go on and on, dont even get me started on Obama Care and the millions of people who lost there health care because of it. Cuts have to be made, nothing personal, just business. Trump won the Presidency, deal with it. My advice to you would be get your facts straight, after reading your Blog, you are part of the problem, your Fake News.

    1. We voted correctly. Trump in only 3 years brought unemployment to it's lowest level since 1966. Lowest levels of unemployment for blacks and Hispanics EVER. More than 3 million off of food stamps. US economy is soaring like never before in its entire history. Historic trade deals signed with China. Historic trade deals with Mexico and Canada. Wall Street setting new records weekly. Personally, my 401k is booming. These are facts. Now sadly, just like you wished, they found ways to impeach him. Unfortunately for the team, you support, they have no case and he will be acquitted in the Senate. Better yet, he will be re-elected by a landslide in November. Quid Pro Joe? Ironically the candidate you support who is on video laughing about holding back billions in Ukraine aid unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating his son Hunter??? You support a candidate who is actually on video creating the very crime they are trying to impeach Trump for??? Wouldn't that be the definition of hypocrisy? Oh sister, I love you to death, but it's coming out how crooked the Dems truly are. It's all going to come out. The Dems are all about power over the people and American voters have had enough of it. You can hate Trump all day long, that's your right. But you would rather see America fail than succeed and I find that paralyzing. 😔


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