It's Really That Simple



Have you watched the Social Dilemma yet?

I watched it a month or so ago and found it astounding. It may help some understand why life needs to be much more simple without the manipulation of others. And if you haven't noticed, I myself, other than a page I run on Facebook, have since backed down from social media greatly. Watch this documentary and you will understand why. The manipulation of life in our society has become far too great, and it's become a burden to me now.  Thankfully, I am working on finding my inner peace and focusing on keeping it.

So here we are, 2021. Do you feel like the world is messed up?  Do you feel alone, oddly different, and maybe just a touch more angry on the reactions or no reactions of our society?

Well, I certainly have. We all have. I have been wanting to write this or anything for that matter for the longest time, but I have been stuck.  So stuck that I don't even care anymore. Maybe that's where my inner peace is taking over. Though I tell myself daily, I need to get out of this rut I'm in and start writing again. It truly does make me feel better each time I do.

We shall see.

I can't say this past year has been fruitful and bliss.  We've all had our hardships since Covid began, which technically in my view, has completely messed up society even more. Especially my kids and what they've had to endure. They don't know what to think anymore. Let alone, what's right or what's wrong, what's fact or what's fiction.  Creating so much stress on such young minds. It truly is very sad to be honest with you.

I have seen anger from them more often than I want to. Yet they have realized, they're not really the ones lost in that angry society we now see.  It's those in society who find themselves wanting to be so engrossed in such anger. Indulging themselves into thousands of conspiracy theories they can't keep up with anymore. Let alone, can't let go. Determined to voice themselves over and over to the point it becomes nothing but a farce to us. And so much easier to ignore now too.

I talk to the boys constantly about this new and different life we now live. We are open to talk about everything, even if each other's views may be different from one another.  But also learn to not let such negative weight ride heavily on ones shoulder.  There's so much to be thankful for NOW, and life is much too short to burden ourselves with the many nuances in life we see today.

Keep life simple. Life is not supposed to be this hard unless you make it to be. And they see my life as quite simple. Understanding it's just easier this way for me and I pray it rubs off on them. I tell them to grow to be a good person in family as well as in society as a whole. A working, productive citizen, that can go about life in a happy manner and give back when you can. Only if you can. And it's okay to say no and agree to disagree. Be kind to one another, speak the truth, and your mind will give you peace and happiness.  Stay away from those who spread hatred in the world, they prefer to bring you down with them.  Just walk away.

It's really that simple.


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