Touched Upon The Pages of My Life

It all began October 31st, 1968 in Madison, Wisconsin. I was born and history was made! 😁 
I write today because today reflects the one year anniversary of my Mom's passing.  All I have done is think and reminisce about the past I had growing up, so I figured I will write it all down as I go.

As I'm writing this, I had to touch base with my family as to places we lived. All my siblings chimed in on our family text feed to all the questions I asked. I know we moved alot, but just couldn't remember the sequence.

From the day I was born in Madison, where my Dad was a high school Biology teacher, my Mom a Homemaker, we then moved to Sun Praire, then onto Shawano, to Voyager Village, then to Reedsburg, back to Voyager Village. There is where I began my earliest memories of life.  

My God, no wonder I have issues. And I am not even done moving yet. 😧  (Though I do have a faint memory of living in a big white house, on a farm, and having horses everywhere. My sister Mary said that was Reedsburg. I must have been 3 then).

Below are the only two pictures I have of myself as a baby. The first one is in the hospital, and that must be a nurse. The second one I am on my oldest brother Scott's lap next to Mary, my sister.  It was her 3rd birthday since we are just 2 years and 362 days apart and they are eating cake. The obvious clue. 🎂


The earliest age that I can really remember best, was when I was four and lived in Voyager Village. The picture below shows my family there at the house they built which was nestled on a golf course. I was the youngest of 5 and had a pretty good life. But look at that sign, my name is shown as Ann. What's up with that?  Maybe my name really is Ann...👀

Voyager Village was the new real estate crown jewel back then, and apparently the reason why Dad gave up teaching and went into real estate. My Dad and his best buddy Bill Werth worked in the business there and apparently did quite well. Obviously they were pro's at moving too. I can't imagine my parents hauling all five of us around like that. Crazy!

Donna and Bill Werth were long life friends and co-workers with my parents


The year was 1972 in this kindergarten picture.  I was told Scott had to do my hair that morning. I think he did a pretty good job.  Love the bows!  Back then, I also remember we had a pontoon boat off the lake across the street, and my Mom and Dad were members of the country club nearby.  My Dad even had a plane that I remember flying in.  I think it was a green and yellow striped Cessna. We visited Donna and Bill alot as they had kids our ages. Robert, Brad, and Julie. We also had a dog and apparently a fox named Freddy Farkle. Can't really say I remember a fox, but I have always remembered dogs and cats.

Kindergarten 1972

At the Country Club with Gregg, Bruce, Mom, Dad, and Myself

After completing one year of Kindergarten at the age of 4, yeah, and riding on a bus for an hour each way, I ended up having to do another round of kindergarten due to the fact I was dyslexic. So this is my second year kindergarten picture.  Personally, I think was too young to begin with. Or being the youngest of 5, Mom needed some peace and quiet. Guess I'll never know.

Kindergarten 1973

From there, we moved to Wisconsin Rapids as my Dad continued in real estate at a place called Royal Crest, outside Rapids. I was six and started 1st grade. Must be 1974 by then. By now, even I realized we had moved alot. But I loved Rapids! Good memories of this really cool creek across the street and a small bridge where we played and caught craw-fish. Often riding bikes up to the mini golf course nearby, sucking on those duo flavored lollipops that were a nickel. In the winter, I remember sliding across an icy lake and one leg falling in and Mary saved me. Or maybe it was Mary's leg that fell in and I saved her.  Hell, I don't know. 😂

Bruce, Myself, and Mary. 
Our First Communion in Wisconsin Rapids house

Here we go moving again!  Must have been 1975. This time to a place called Nekoosa. Not too far from Rapids. It was an old gray house on a corner. It had two stories and I remember in the winter having to sit on the heater vents on the floor before I could even get dressed for school. It was so cold! We must have rented that place because my parents began building a house 7 miles out into the country from there.

There in Nekoosa, my Mom started us in a small private school called Sacred Heart Catholic School. I started in 2nd grade, having clear memories of wicked Sister Sylvia, and sweet Sister Carleen.  But I can't say it was all too rosy. Very strict. We wore blue and green plaid uniforms, church and prayers each day, and the learning was poor. Nuns and teachers everywhere. I never liked that place. I was not only having religion shoved down my throat each and every way, but I also remember getting smacked by a ruler in the principals office too. Can't remember why. (My Mom had said I was somewhat of a brat).

How is that possible, I wonder? 😇

Now it's 1978.
Finally, we moved into the new house on 80 acres in an unincorporated place called Rome. A place I've always called home.  There we leased the land so corn could be grown, planted gardens, rode horses, chased our big mean-ass bull, along with goats, geese, dog's, cat's, and a million hamsters. (That's a whole story in itself). The fun of winter downhill skiing at Royal Crest and being part of the Shermolot Ski team every summer. 

Great memories!

Below is my 10th birthday at the new house. I always have been somewhat of a witch I guess, since being born on Halloween and all. I see Bruce in the picture sucking down the mini bottle pop Mom bought on special occasions. Mary next to me.


By the time I was ready to go into 7th grade in 1982, I asked my Mom if I could go to a public school. I knew I was not getting anywhere academically at Sacred Heart. The challenge was not there. So I left all my friends behind and started my own venture at Nekoosa Middle School. Thankfully, academics were quite rigorous but most definitely what I needed. I will never forget my teacher, and my favorite one of all time, Mr. Knutson.  He was my English teacher who gave me my purpose.  He lit up my world and opened my eyes to a bigger and better world. Finding the way to open up the creative mind that I have now.  He was, and I am sure still is, an amazing teacher. I was so glad when he shifted over to Nekoosa High School, where he again was my teacher for many more years in English Literature. 📚

Bruce, Mary, Dirk(Our little buddy), and Me

Let's push fast forward to 1985.  My parents were heading to Naples, Florida.  I stayed behind and moved to Port Edwards, a town close to Nekoosa. I simply did not want to go to Naples. I became a nanny to a family who allowed me to stay there for free in exchange of taking care of their 3 kids.  They were so good to me.  I stayed with them throughout my Junior year of high school, and was able to continue with my Pompon and Softball.  I was happy. 😊

Nekoosa Pompon Squad

In 1986, going into my Senior year of high school, my parents brought me down here to Naples to live with them. I came down, got a good job as a cashier at Publix, went to Barron Collier High School, but didn't like it too well. I tell ya, that place was like a prison.  And having to go from growing up with all my classmates to that place?  I won't even go there. Though thankful for Heidi Robinson for introducing herself and becoming my new friend.  She could tell I was the new kid in class and could use a friend. A lifetime friend she has been. Thank you Heidi!

Six months later, in 1987, I called up Mr. Campbell, our Principal at Nekoosa High, took the bull by the horns,(since I was now 18), and moved back to to graduate. Class of 1987. Yeehaw!  In turn, I ended up moving back here to Naples in 1988. I was getting nowhere up there, so I said, "Hello Ritz Carlton!", and back to school I went.

The rest is history.

Class of 1987

So let's count the moves from birth.  And ya wonder why I'm street savvy. 😁 Madison, Sun Prairie, Shawano, Voyager Village, Reedsburg, back to Voyager Village, Wisconsin Rapids, Nekoosa, Rome, Port Edwards, Naples, back to Nekoosa, moved 'twice' in Wisconsin Rapids after graduation, back to Naples. That right there is 15 times in my first 20 years of life. Many more since.  But now, I have lived in the same house where I'm raising my boys...15 years now, thankfully.

Daniel, Benjamin, Me, Matthew, and Nickolas
Wiggin Pass 2020

I share this with you today, not only for myself to remember the good old days, but in remembrance of the one year passing of my Mom, Rose Woodrell.

I Love You Mom!💖

Rosemary Ellen Woodrell
1937- 2020













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