A Country Divided

The many times I have sat down at this computer to write has been far from many. Ever since my last blog written, I feel like my world has stood still. I'm sure that goes for the rest of us.

The Coronavirus has not only consumed our lives, but sadly has taken many as well. Heartbreaking to see the many stories of those affected, and the many other events that have since surrounded it. The death of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, peaceful demonstrations, in turn, some not so peaceful. A strong feeling of a country divided, for sure.

Then of course, there's ole Trumperoo!  I don't plan to bring him up since everything is so "Fantastic!" 😁  We'll just leave it at that.

All in one swoop starting in the first half of the year, I took many big hits. I lost my job, I lost my Mom, and I was at the point where I realized I could lose my home. So I had to get creative. Thankfully, I am a saver, always have been, and can go many months without work and survive. Though in all reality, I knew this virus would cause serious situations across the board so it was best I think quick and prepare myself. Possibly for a year, if not more. And with the recent spikes in Covid, that reality seems to be coming true.

So I have since reached out online for any resources possible for help, and in the beginning it seemed so hopeless. The stimulus check helped, yes, along with a SBA grant given through my real-estate license.  Better yet, and I can't thank Collier County Schools enough; free lunches every day throughout the pandemic and continuing through summer has helped immensely.  Four boys is not an easy quest to fill empty bellies. Well, down to three now that Nick is officially on his own. One down, three to go!

The DEO of Florida was and still is for many, the biggest joke multiplied by a million, thus far. It became my job and 4 claims later to get someone to clean up whatever mess it was. I swear to God, I emailed the whole damn country, and only two representatives emailed back.  One was quite comical. It was our own Florida Senator, Rick Scott, letting me know to contact my state so I could know who represented me. Hello, it's you stupid ass! (Well, he knows now. 😏)  I still can't get over such stupidity. The other was Representative Bob Rommel. Outstanding I must say. His secretary Priscilla ROCKS!  She helped push my angst along.  Thank you Priscilla! 😊

If the DEO would have known from day one that independent contractors, gig workers, were not going to get anything for months due to a platform that had "yet" to be developed, it would have been nice if Governor Desantis let us know. I would have understood. But no, he instead preferred the route of being so far up Trumps ass or floating in La La Land, making us work around the endless world to nowhere. 👿

I voted for the guy, but he failed us immensely on that. The arduous undertaking of reemployment is intense and still is. Then a God send came. I was given the name of Virginia Allen with the DEO.  She had me send over all my finances, taxes, 1099, and told me to stay off the site for a week, and sure enough, she did it!  We don't get the full $275 like the W2 workers, but I am happy to say I get $125 a week.  Hey, better than nothing. Thank you Virginia! 😊

As we continue on with a country I never thought I would live in, we must all hold steady and simply hold on and have faith. Let's not be so divided. The anger in the minds of many is daunting. I actually had to block a person from Facebook due to his mental well-being and his notion to turn me into a world I cannot even describe. Very disturbed man. I wrote him a heartfelt letter describing his constant messages and clips I didn't agree with nor care to see, in hopes he could see the good in all other things.  But he was aggressively non stop and was going to make sure he shoved all hatred, racism, and Marxism down my throat. So sad to see someone like that turn so sour. Hopefully one day he will see the light.

On the lighter side, I have gotten quite creative in this world, not necessarily writing wise, but around the house and to others.  I stay home, have my routines, pray for those who continue to battle outside my doors and pray someday this will be all behind us. And it will. My future looks promising as I plan to use my mental talents for more income.  Hell, I could have made a killing this summer with all the advice and much needed help to others.  I guess I have a knack for knowledge and can pretty much get you through whatever it is you need help on. Charges soon to apply via Cash App.🤑 It's the best app out there for money exchange, and you can buy stocks on it too! 

God Bless America!


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