COVID-19 Reemployment - Applied and Denied!

As you all know, most of us have lost our jobs and have since been told to stay home under quarantine through Governor Ron DeSantis order back in March.

So obviously I have since complied and applied for reemployment just like the rest of you.  I literally applied on March 15th and followed through on resume builder and wizard.  Did my claims for two weeks, which by then were waived later by DeSantis until May 2nd.  On top of that, supposedly the stimulus was to add an additional $600 per week to our claims up to four months. Amen to that because I have no job and am in need of that money.  Four boys, all home, online schooling, mortgage, utility bills, insurance, cars, you name it. I have bills!

Then came the overload of unemployment claims. And you would think of all states, Florida would have key technology and the process would be smooth as silk.


Florida completely bombed it trying to keep up to the Reemployment site called CONNECT and to get money into people's accounts.  Ken Lawson, the head of Department of Economic Opportunity obviously failed greatly in his world. Thankfully, another individual took over the reins and started a whole new site, which for many seemed much easier. Thank God for that!

Well, I never applied on that site due to the fact my CONNECT site had already been completed. Up until Friday, April 24th, it read pending. That's 5 weeks into it and still nothing to show for it.  I tried so hard to check in weekly to see if there was anything more I needed to do. It just read completed and pending.  Nothing more for me to do.

So I wait...and I wait...and I wait...

Until today, I don't think I have stopped crying yet.😭 They closed the site down Friday the 24th thru today, Monday the 27th.  Well, I got on it for less than a minute and all that glared in my face was application INELIGIBLE!  Or basically denied.  

WTF!! How is this happening?  Could it be because I am an Independent Contractor and the stupid ass algorithms decide to deny me 5 weeks later?  Or was it a question I answered incorrectly and they never gave me a reason why?

So of course, that was this morning and that put me right into a rampage to making some contacts, including ole Trumperoo!  Yes, I emailed him too.

I have since appealed the claim through the DEO claims department. Refiled a new claim under the updated mobile friendly version. Contacted Governor DeSantis and gave him a heads up, another to Secretary of State Laurel Lee, shot over an email to Bob Rommel, our Florida House Representative, who in turn emailed back letting me know they will submit my situation to the Legislative Affairs Constituent Services as of TODAY. Very impressive, I might add. They said they were not sure how long it will take them to respond, but they pray it will be within a short period of time. On top of that, I have contacted NBC 2, Wink, Naples Daily News, and of course, Lester Holt and Rachel Maddow. Love those two!

Hell, if I don't get anywhere with all this?  You may see me in front of the White House demanding answers from ole, "Everything's Fantastic!" Trump. 😏

Wish me luck!


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