Fluff and Stuff yet Never Enough

I do believe I have come to a point in my life, and I am sure many of you have as well, that no matter how blessed we truly are, it's never enough.  Have you found yourself in this position yet?

I wanted to write about it because I feel that with the amount of work I do now, it's never good enough for me or for anyone else.  If you know me well, I am the person that constantly strives to stay ahead, but I find myself slowly falling behind lately and it scares me.

Falling behind in what way, you ask?  For one, like each and every one of us will say, it's money.  I constantly bring myself to exhaustion to make money and to stay ahead.  Like most my readers that do follow me, they know I have gone thru a very hard divorce a few years ago and have four boys under my roof.  Not so easy when you are single and trying to make ends meet.

 Daniel, Nickolas, Benjamin, and Matthew

The boys are getting older and with that comes much heavier financial obligations.  Yes, I do have my share of child support from their father, but when each child turns 18, it disappears.  My second one in line is a year away from that.  I need to find my strategy now in order to suffice for then.  Yes, that's how I work.  I don't waste time thinking it's going to be okay. I have to start searching for the means now to make sure it's going to be okay.  So as of now, it's not okay.

That's where my blog title came into play.  Fluff, meaning the unnecessary wants and needs.  Stuff, is the necessary wants and needs, and Never Enough is just what seems to be the case.  Seems the older we all get around here, the less we seem to have.  Yes, they are bigger, eat more, cost more, and have more needs, but how the hell can I fill each and every need?  Well, that's where me being a parent comes into play.  Thankfully I have raised my boys (tribe) to work and save money. If they "want" fluff, they need to buy it, if they "need" stuff, I buy it depending on each case.  And we all know it's simply never enough.

For example, my two oldest now.  They had to save and pay for their own cars, their own insurance, and my oldest, his phone.  The rest do not have phones because they cannot afford one nor can I.  Though I hear from my second in line how much it is needed, but it seems fishing lures and entertainment seems more important.  As hard as I try to curve that hellacious spending habit he has brought onto himself, I now have to pull the reins hard. And I am.

There are many things to take into account, such as income, when you are set out to raise such a tribe, and personally, I don't have that steady income or that day job like most of you do. I can if I have to, as most single Moms do, but I refuse to do so.  So I work part time. Similar to a independent contractor, I guess.  I can wear many hats and I find it much more satisfying as well.

Though it's hard, especially now when I have to consider the possibility of downsizing the home to something more affordable, to cashing out some of my 401K to make ends meet, or to simply fill up rooms with more tenants. (Have one now).  I need to think this way, because deep down, these boys are most important.  I don't want them raising themselves.  I want to always be here to listen to their stories, cook them dinner, figure out college strategies, do their laundry, and help with their homework.

Guide them always.

Thankfully, with all of this being said, I have found the reason of my life and actually it's a beautiful thing.  I am here to raise four boys to be four great men.  I actually strive on it.  The amount of fulfillment and sense of accomplishment is more than one will ever need.  And of course, plenty of love to go around.💗💗💗💗💗

So here I sit, writing this blog, beating myself up for all the fluff that I don't personally need, but all kids seem to. The stuff which carries the future of my world to a better life, and the never enough that will always be the case unless I win the lottery. Lol!

Life is nothing more than a strategy and now I have just given you mine.  I will be fine as I have a good head on my shoulders.  I hope to continue to make good moves as I have done thus far, but I foresee much bolder moves ahead.  Bold moves to raising boys to be good strong men.


(A little Mothers Day video clip for you).

Mothers Day 2017



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